Some of you asked about my method of basting
quilts last week.
I often pin the layers together....
but once in a while I cheat and use this.
I guess it's not cheating, is it?
This can 
is a relatively inexpensive brand of
basting spray.
I've heard
that 505
spray is the best option...but I couldn't find it in my local shops.
I bought this instead.

The first thing to do is get your
quilt sandwich together!

Find a location for your operation!
Today, I used my dining room table and
moved the chairs
Out of the way!
I did not want that spray to get all over the place.
The spray tends to float onto things you
don't want it to float onto!
I could use my kitchen floor....
That's washable...
But my kitchen floor is not
clean enough today!
I made sure that my quilt covers my table.
I don't want to spray to get there either.
I'm set.

Fold half (or part of) the quilt top back.
Spray....onto your batting
no need to plaster it on there!
Now lay the quilt top section down and
smooth...it out.
Repeat on the other half, or section.
Now your quilt top is applied.
It's time for the backing.
Flip the quilt over.

Do the same thing to the back.
I always spray on the batting.and smooth as I go.
If there's a bubble just lift the
fabric and try smoothing again.
The adhesive does not act like

I am now ready to quilt a quilt!!!!