One of the only "quilt-worthy" things I did today was add
a flag to my little school house.
There's a lot more to life than quilting...right? Right.
It was good to do that little bit.
That tiny bit of creative energy
kept me a little more sane.
I'm thankful today that I have fabric.
Lots of fabric.
I was able to locate the red stripe and
the blue....sort-of-star-polka-dot piece.
Yeah! for a fabric stash!!!

I've got another kind of stash that's becoming a problem.
Does anyone else have these wonderful quilting magazines?
They are filled with bright pictures,
new fabric lines,
articles about quilt related topics,
advertisements for every quilty thing!!!
They accumulate....
unbelievably fast!!!
Especially when quilt guild meetings offer older ones
frequently for 25 cents apiece!
Yes. I've got a mighty big problem.
The first step is to admit you've got a problem.
I've got a problem.

Then there's the books.
I don't think there's a meeting for this kind of problem...
is there???