Yes, I've taken over the dining room.
Once in a while, I clean it up for a nice Sunday meal....but recently I haven't. We just eat outside, or in the kitchen. My POOR family. :(
I have also stashed fabric on the chairs, so that you can't see it. Maybe someday I'll put a picture on my blog of my dining room table set for dinner with a beautiful quilty tablecloth on it....one can dream, right?

But I won't open it tonight.
It's a huge MESS.
I looked at it thinking I MIGHT open it for my blog....but couldn't face the music. This monstrosity was purchased for a few dollars at a neighbor's yard sale and it sits in my garage. Whenever I need some fabric I go shopping out here. Many of you use closets in the house, but my bedrooms are FULL of children, so I haven't been able to take them over YET.
My daughter made some four patches a couple of years ago (see the top of the post) with some scraps she liked. But after making A LOT of blocks, she lost interest or got discouraged. I took those blocks and put this quilt together for her....it was a team effort.