Do you ever sew using fabric you didn't buy...
You don't LOVE?
That's what I did this week.
Batiks never call my name from the aisle as I walk by.
They don't "jump into my cart".
When fabric is GIFTED to me...
It gets USED!!!
I'm so HAPPY I used this Jelly roll!!!
It's a beautiful quilt that I KNOW someone will LOVE.
I made the blocks using TWO strips of fabric
that I thought would be complimentary.
Often times this block is used with LIGHTS and DARKS.
Here's a little HOW TO.
that has the SAME block (different size)
but I constructed it differently this time.
Use TWO strips of fabric cut 2 1/2" (Width of fabric)
(2 strips will be enough for TWO blocks)
Green fabric - EIGHT 2 1/2" squares (photo has fabric doubled)
FOUR 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Yellow fabric - EIGHT 2 1/2" squares
FOUR 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
This is what you need for ONE block.

Make TWO four patches.
Join the four patches
put the YELLOW and GREEN rectangles together as shown.
Put it all together......
just WATCH that color placement.
It can be tricky if your brain is not IN GEAR.
That's IT!
Block should measure 8"x 8"
My jelly roll had 40 strips.
I made 40 blocks...
and needed TWO more to make it lap size (48"x56")
(6 blocks x 7 blocks)
What did I do?
I used the scraps to make two more blocks.
You MIGHT be able to spy one if you look really CLOSE
at the first pictures.
Happy Sewing!!