
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday Making

I'm getting into a habit.
Posting a Monday Making linky party the DAY BEFORE!
I don't know....
Guess I like being On TIME.
Early is even BETTER!

So friends...what are you making this week???

I'll be knitting.

I fell in love yesterday.

This yarn has EVERYTHING a quilter like me enjoys.
A lot of color....
and even some pattern!!!!

I bought only two skeins
and am DREAMING of owning every color available!!!

I told you.
I'm in LOVE.
Please don't judge.

Link up and let us know what YOU'RE BUSY  WITH this week!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. That pink yarn is to die for! Super cute! X

  2. That yarn is gorgeous. I would fall in love with it too if I found any! What are you going to do with it? I'm assuming it is the old sports weight? (I am stuck in a previous knitting era!) I love both of those color ways. Thanks for sharing.

    1. made a little baby beanie (finished today) and have enough yarn in the first skein to make another. Yeah!

  3. Oh gorgeous yarn--love that idea..hugs, Julierose

  4. P.S. I just HAD to order some of this yarn--did you know you are an enabler?? lol ;-)))
    Can't wait to use it!! I am up to my armholes on my vest and ready to divide for back, fronts and cap sleeves...exciting...hug, Julierose (again!!)

    1. Look forward to seeing what YOU knit with it! Enjoy!

  5. Love what you making, what great yarn. I didn't see the code for your button, I'd really like to add it to my blog.

    1. Sue - Thank you SO much for helping me get the linky button up and working! So sweet of you!!

  6. What a great idea to make fair isle pattern-spaced yarn! Yours looks so smooth and even, just beautifully done. Thanks for sharing the brand name, too.


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