I traveled a very friendly road this past week
And missed almost a week of blogging!!
It was l-o-n-g week in blog time.
I guess you could say it was long week in People time too. ;)

I sure enjoyed the sights as I drove along, though.
It was a beautiful drive, and since I drove only in the daylight...
I didn't miss a single thing!!!

One of the things that helped me pass the time
was when I looked forward to stopping at shops like this one.

When I walked in here, I instantly felt AT HOME.
The Busy Bee quilt shop in New Mexico
knows how to make a body feel welcome.

This was my first "fun" stop...so my purchases were
pretty conservative.
"Maybe I'll be stopping at a WHOLE BUNCH of shops.
I'd better save room in my bag for all the purchases...right?"
I have dreams of someday making
a quilt with some reproduction fabric and those
solids are wonderful...don't you think?
I drove quite a few more miles before I found
(with my husband's help via the internet)
this shop in Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma Quiltworks.OOOh! I went a little wild here.
Maybe it was the heat??!
It WAS a scorcher.
I found the sale bin and that's where my
trouble began!
I have a hard time resisting that word....
It was fun and I love all my little bundles.

The last "fun" stop was by far the most fun
because it was SO unexpected!!!
As I drove along I needed one of those all important
bathroom breaks.I saw a sign for the Tennessee Welcome center in Brownsville.
That sounded like a good place to stop.
It was.
WOW! What a welcome center.
They even had a little museum inside. It was Great!!
Guess what was taped inside the stall of the restroom??
A little flyer with some local businesses listed.
I saw
"Pat's Fabrics and Collectibles".Hmm...maybe that's a quilt shop???
I asked. Got directions. Viola!!!

All Quilting books 50% off.

Yes! Score!

Little bags of fabric...$3.
There I go trying to get a bargain again!
Oh! it was fun!!
Like I said. Even more fun because it was so
That was it for purchases this week.
It almost didn't fit in my bag for the trip home!

Here are a couple of the quilts that I just admired!
Isn't it beautiful?

Someday I'm going to make one of these...

I also liked this simple. wonderful. 9 patch!!!
I spied these quilts on the LAST day of my drive
in a wonderful place called Bell Buckle.
I was little ahead of schedule and had time to
swing by this little tiny town and gawk at the antiques!!!
You know what?
I'll probably never again drive across country
all. by. myself.
I was a little worried about the long days,
but they seemed to go pretty fast.....
especially when I had the friendly stops along the way!
Aren't quilt shops the best of friends???
We know most of the fabric that lives there.
When we walk in the door, even though we don't know the
shop keepers, we know their merchandise and it
feels homey. I think.
Glad to be back in the land of blogs
and happy to be home safe with family.
I'm blessed.