
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monday Making

It was a WINDY and RAINY day today.
The perfect kind of day to bake some cookies!

It made me so happy to lay those HOT cookies on this sweet
embroidered dish towel.
I love having handmade things ALL around me....
don't you??

The perfect peanut butter cookie recipe is found
at Land o'Lakes web site and
the Link is HERE

They are easy and come out PERFECT!!
MY kind of cookie!!!

I bet the secret ingredient is BUTTER!!
That makes EVERYTHING taste better.

What are you making this week??
IF it's cookies...
I want to know your favorite recipe!!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Table mat #3

These half square triangles had been locked away in a bag TOO long!

Putting them all together in this small quilt made my quilty heart glad!

I added simple quilting lines.
Quilting does NOT have to be complicated.

Love the country feel of this one!

Happy sewing!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Monday Making

I went back to my knitting roots this week
and began a BEANIE!

This is one of the simplest knitting projects....
and my son WEARS them!!!
It's one thing to KNIT...
it's another to figure out WHAT to knit in 
Southern California!!

what are YOU up to this week??

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Red and White

Don't you love the classic
RED and WHITE combination??

I do too!!

I was able to use some vintage red and white prints in this.
Oooh! I LOVE them!

but I find it hard to CUT into these precious older fabrics!

 Table mat #2 down.
10 more to go!!!!

12 is the GOAL!
Goals get me going!...
Even if I don't always make it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Woodland Wonderland

I was very pleased to have this fun baby quilt
included in the most recent issue of McCall's Quilting magazine!

I used a wonderful Woodland print
and some fabric from my stash when designing this one.

Quilting was done simply with lines going diagonally both ways.
For's the easiest AND
it looks GREAT!!

Win. Win.

There's a video here with ALL the quilts from this issue.
There are so many GREAT patterns!!

The magazine has already started shipping
and will be available on newsstands
and digitally on February 2, 2016.

Happy sewing Friends!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Monday Making

It's Monday already!
It's actually Sunday night as I write my Monday post.   ;)

What are YOU making this week??

I'm going to be making blocks like this....

Out of four patches like this.
It's sort of a twist on the disappearing 4 patch on my tutorial page.

Hope you can link up and share about your creative pursuits.
Bear with me as I try to set up the linky party.
I've had "issues" the past couple of weeks.....
and hope THIS week it's SMOOTH sailing!!!!

Have a Happy CREATIVE week!

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Friday, January 15, 2016

A beginning

Each Year I make a few of these table toppers
for an auction.
They always find GOOD homes
and it's so nice to give LIFE to orphan blocks. orphans will be ALL used up...
but I suspect that day is VERY FAR away!!!

I always need to do some TWEAKING
as I make these little table QUILTS.

This  one (my first this year)
only needed a simple border with cornerstones.
Others need more complex additions
and my brain is BUSY as I work it all out.
my sewing room is a battle ZONE as I dig around
for the RIGHT fabric!!!

It might be EASIER to start from SCRATCH
and follow some kind of pattern.

You know me..

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Neighborhood party

There's a wonderful Neighborhood party going on this month and next.
Head over to Hilachas blog and join in the fun!!!

Send in ONE or more house blocks (12 1/2"x 12 1/2")
and cross your fingers.
Maybe YOU will be the winner of  9-12 house blocks.
Just the right amount to make a great quilt!!!

I love the quilt that Hilachas (Irene) made with her winning blocks a couple of years ago.

I'm so glad she and her sister took the baton
and are hosting the party this year.

This blogland community is a wonderful place to "live".
An encouraging, positive, creative community!!

Aren't you glad you "live" here???

I have a simple house block on my tutorial page
IF you are in need of some instruction.

Happy SEWING!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Monday Making

This is a BRIGHT happy quilt that I made a couple of years ago.
It contains LOTS of little pieces!
I sure enjoyed spreading it out this week....

and plopping a little person down in the middle!!!

Not sure what kind of progress I'll make this week on "making stuff"
(that's what I do)
But I do know
These little feet have a welcome QUILT to roll around on!!!

Link up and share about YOU are making!

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Red Blue Pink

I finished this quilt recently and found out...

It was the PERFECT quilt to hang as we welcome a wee one
into our home for the next few weeks or months.

I did a lot of hand quilting on this with white, blue and pink thread.
I love this design so much...
I'm very tempted to pull out another color scheme and begin AGAIN!

My sewing room is a little bit busier than usual...
and that's JUST fine with me.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Monday Making

My new year is off to a GREAT beginning.
A quilt top is complete....already!!!
As you can see, it's a simple pattern...
but it's DONE!  Woo hoo!

The center batik squares were gifted to me this Christmas.
and the rest was in my stash.
I found out that one of the graduating senior girls loves purple.
I always make the kids at church a quilt when they graduate
and once in while I ask what colors they prefer.
I'm amazed at how frequently purple is requested.

I don't care for purple.
I've never loved purple.

but...I do think this quilt turned out quite nice...
even if it is HEAVY on the purple.
Oh....It's good to be STRETCHED once in while, right???

What are YOU making this week??
Does it involve a color your don't prefer??

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