
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday Making

At this time of year I usually get into HIGH gear
as I finish all the homemade gifts that I WANT to give away.
After all....
Handmade is special!!
Are you scurrying around too???

This week I'll probably do a little bit more knitting.
I try to use what I have!
I dig around here and try to find yarn and fabric that suits the project
and the person!

I don't collect fabric and yarn much...
but...let me tell you...
It doesn't take LONG to acquire a MASS of RAW ingredients
for all my creative pursuits!

I've been going between TWO baby vest patterns...
trying to decide which I like best.
Fall vest???  knit top down
Plain vest???  knit bottom to top

The advantage to the first is that I did NOT have to figure out the decrease rows.
I don't like fiddling with the numbers. AT. All.

This week I may try to get some of my yarns to
It might take some doing.....
but I want to try!

What are you doing this week??

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Not QUITE square

This baby quilt is ALL about using UP!
I love a good scrappy quilt!

For this quilt I began with ONE 3"x 3" white square.
I added random sized strips all around "LOG cabin style".....
(I have lots of random fabric strips!!)

Then I trimmed the block to 7 1/2" X 8 1/2"
Not QUITE square.    ;)

I then added 3" strips between rows
and 3" borders all around.

I love the way the white squares float around!
I love that I didn't have to do much cutting and matching seams!
I loved using LOTS of scraps!!
solids....checks....plaids....stripes.....and cute baby prints!!!

Happy sewing!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Making


Leftover flannel pieces make GREAT bibs.

The simple blog tutorial for these is here......
and there's a youtube video here

I plan on making a whole stack!!

What are you making???

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Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Fun

Isn't fabric FUN???

I took some leftover pieces from the simple flannel blanket
I made for the newest baby
and had SO much fun creating this little kitty cat!

Except for the fiddly little tutu this project was a breeze!

I will never tire of happy and scrappy!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Baby knit

Don't we all love baby knits??
With a new grand baby almost here...
I think my mind is ON babies!!!

I found a simple pattern for this vest here...
and worked on it NON-stop until it was DONE!!!

Ravelry also has the pattern link here.
I enjoyed looking at everyone's projects based on this pattern.
There are a WHOPPING 1300 projects!!!
It might take you a while to see them ALL!!  LOL!

It was helpful to read comments on this as well.
The decreases are not specific enough for new knitters....
so there were some helpful hints given in some of the projects!
Thank heavens!

The pattern calls for TWO kinds of yarn...
and this is what's leftover.

I was happy I had some suitable yarn in my stash!
I love buying new yarn and fabric...
but am so PLEASED when I can use what I already have!!!

My hands a little sore from all that knitting...
think I'll sew some stitches today!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Kitchen table Crafting

My kitchen table has been BUSY!

When my son's weaving doesn't cover it....

My knitting does!!

Then once in a while we EAT!

I'm not complaining!
I love a MESSY creative table!!
Don't you??

(I'm so PLEASED my son caught the weaving BUG!)

What are you up to this week??

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Friday, November 13, 2015


Making little things like this is very satisfying work.
Making pretty and practical items
without purchasing ANYTHING
suits my frugal quilters soul!!!

I added simple quilting lines to these potholders....
and a little loop in case the new owner wants to hang it up.

My little pile of quilty gifts for Christmas has BEGUN!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Making

It's Monday
and It's CHILLY at my house.
Woo hoo!!!
Quilt making weather...finally!

I'm hand quilting
and hand quilting SOME MORE!

An art quilt exhibit deadline is looming.

One thing I LOVE to use when hand quilting 
(That little blue box on the left)
It's a thread conditioner and protectant.
The best thing about it is that it helps reduce
tangling and knotting.

that's my little tip for the day.

What are YOU up to this week??

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Saturday, November 7, 2015


The winner of McCall's Quick Quilts Magazine is Jemfl - Comment #29
Please email me your address....
and your magazine will be popped into the mail!!
Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Half Squared and Happy

I finished a baby quilt today....
and I'm pleased to say I used up ALL the little half square triangles
that someone else had bagged up and given away!

They were all face to face....
ready to be stitched together!!!

I used EVERY single one
and then when I ran out....
I added that polka dot strip to the outside border.

This is a bright and HAPPY quilt
and those little half square triangles are
HAPPY to be out of that little plastic bag!!

I love the way some of the half square triangles are bright with WHITE
and some are bright with bright!!
The MIX is what makes me smile.

Isn't this backing fabric wonderful?
Of course there wasn't QUITE enough...
so I added some polka dots.
There's ALWAYS a good reason to add POLKA DOTS!!!

I'm pleased to offer a giveaway today.
My pattern for "cabin in the woods" is in the new 
(dec/jan 2016 issue)
and I received an extra copy for YOU!!!
Just leave a comment and I'll have my youngest 
choose a number for the drawing.
(Deadline will be Friday, Nov. 6)

Anyone making a CHRISTMAS quilt this year????

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Monday Making

I have been working OFF and on
on this terrific mix of color!

LOTS of half square triangles...
1 1/2" finished size!!!

I think I have enough for a decent sized baby quilt.
You know me.
I love baby quilts. 

Hopefully I'll have time to add some more white
AND some more 1 1/2" "HAPPY" to this quilt this week.

My kitchen is being torn out tomorrow...
so I'm sure the next few weeks of my life
will be a BLUR.
Who knows?
Maybe I'll retreat to my sewing room more often???

What are you up to this week???

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