
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Monday Making

I've been taking little bits of vintage handwork
and having some FUN!

What are you up to this week????

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Too Many?

This pile began innocently enough.
It began with 2 crocheted afghans
made by my Grandma.
That bright PINK one is probably 40 years old.
They NEVER wear out...
and I USE them!!!

I've added a couple found at thrift stores.
I even MADE one!!!

I've become a COLLECTOR.

I think I'm at my LIMIT.
Sure HOPE I can say NO to the
future crocheted afghans I'll see
hanging in the thrift shop!!!

I know I'll see more......

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Our Collaborative quilt top
It also changes every day
as I lay the blocks out.

It's SO fun playing with blocks!

Thanks to everyone participating
in this JOINT effort
for The Wounded Warrior project!

It's going to be a WONDERFUL quilt!
(or quilts??)

One more day of mail collection...
and I'll start sewing some SEAMS!

Here's the link to the original request for blocks.
Let's make a QUILT.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Making

And it's SUMMERtime!

There isn't quite as much time to MAKE...
but I'm going to squeeze in as much as possible.

I have a few squares cut
and I'm going to make a SIMPLE quilt of squares.
I can't wait to get all this color together!

What are you up to??

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Finish

Another little zipper bag.
I just can't seem to STOP making them.
Part of it is wanting to enjoy
and USE the little pieces of vintage linens
that come my way.

I don't like them stored away!
I want to SEE and enjoy them.

Little bags are so practical!


I had a commentor mention
these little things are called purses where she lives.
What are they called at YOUR house?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


I've been doing some SLOW stitching.
This little applique project gets pulled out once in a while
and I add a few more leaves.
THIS time....
I'm going to try and stick WITH it
and get ALL the blocks done.
That's the goal....We'll see what happens.

I've also been getting some stars in the mail.
THANK YOU for your help
I'll wait for a few more patriotic blocks before piecing them together.

They are going to feel RIGHT at home in this quilt
being donated to the wounded warriors project.

I participated in a FUN trade a couple of weeks ago.
I sent a little zipper bag....

and received this cute little pouch in return!!!
Thank you Brenda!!

Happy sewing friends!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Monday Making

I'm not sure what I'll be making this week...
NOT at this point.

I've been busy cleaning out a relatives home......
Running into OLD, old projects of mine.

Quilts and things made WAY before I knew what I was doing!
I SURE had fun making them though!!!

I know I'll also be sitting outside some this week watching.

Watching My husband MAKE something!!!

Garden beds for LOTS more vegetables!!
Right now his vegetable garden keeps me BUSY in the kitchen
as I'm always adding it to our dinners!
There are MANY ways to add zucchini and celery into the main course!
These larger beds will either increase my creative work with zucchini...
or possibly give me more variety in the vegetable selection!!!

What will you be Making this week???

Link up and share.

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Group shot

When Graduation time comes...
I like to have a photo shoot with the finished quilts
ALL together!

This group is missing one.
One of the graduates was leaving the country this week...
so the quilt was given and then I realized I hadn't taken
the GROUP shot yet!

Here's the quilt that left early.
I've already blogged about each of these quilts...
but it's always fun to take that last picture
of them ALL together!

Giving these quilts each year
to graduating high school seniors
makes this quilter very HaPpY!

It's a nice tradition
that the kids look forward to as they
move on to the next chapter of their lives!

Thanks again to the many of you
who sent me quilt blocks early this year!
They will be loved
and it always impresses me
what a GENEROUS community this is!!!

Have a great weekend..
HAPPY sewing!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lover's Links

My favorite kind of quilt to make is improvisational,
Scrappy and UN-planned.
THIS is NOT that quilt.

Every once in a while I step out of my comfort zone
and follow a pattern.
This time...
my points didn't get TOO lost
and the seams cooperated with me!

I had some binding suggestions last week
from quilting friends....
and ended up with YELLOW!!

Not what I THOUGHT I was going to use...
but that's what POPPED out 
when I was digging around here for something.
And I think it makes this quilt a little BRIGHTER and happier!

I'm very happy with my quilt!

I used reproduction fabrics PLUS other things I thought fit in.
My method is.....
USE what YOU have!

Pattern from an old McCalls magazine (august 2000).
Google lover's links images
and you'll find a host of others.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monday Making

After receiving an email requesting quilts for
I was inspired to make a QUILT!

I opened my orphan box....
I found I don't have enough patriotic!!!!
Not near enough to make a good sized quilt.

Guess I'll be making some red ,white and BLUE this week!!!
If you're interested in helping out...
I'd be happy to include a star block from you.
Just leave a comment and I'll send my address.
I've had fun in the past
putting LOTS of blog-LOVE into charity quilts.
You might have a patriotic orphan looking for a home.

That's what I'm hoping to make THIS week!

What are you up to this week??

I call it Monday Making.
It's always fun to share 
and linky parties make it easy.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Money Management

So happy I have little bits of upholstery fabric in the stash.
I've been SLOW to get this little project done....
But this little bag is finally a reality.

Every time I dug around in my current wallet for coins....
I KNEW I needed something a little more USER FRIENDLY.

Now I have another little bag in my purse.
How many little bags are in YOUR purse????

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Super simple

I have become a DEPOSITORY for leftovers.
If  friends make something.... they think I am the
LUCKY winner for the leftover pieces!

I try to say NO....
But it doesn't always work.

These flannel strips came in a little bag
and were almost all leftovers cut the WIDTH of the fabric.

Very timely leftover acquisition...
since last night my husband thought I needed some DOWN time...
and suggested I go SEW!!!

He knows me well.
All I had to do was sew these strips together!
They're all a little bit different widths.
(I didn't even TRIM them!)

I got these strips together BEFORE they took ROOT in my STASH!!!

Sometimes if you add the NEW scraps to the OLD....
they begin settling in and NOT finding their way OUT of the stash!!!

I call it "taking ROOT"!

The plaid backing was in my stash!
So the UP side to getting leftovers is....
you end up using some of your stash to FILL in and complete the quilt!!

The wavy quilted lines were SO EASY!!
I need to use them more often.

So that's it friends.
The SIMPLEST Scrappy quilt arrangement
with gifted LEFTOVERS.
ADD them together you get....
SANITY sewing!
You also get..
a GREAT charity quilt that will comfort and bring joy to others!

This quilt measures about 40"x60"
I used MOST of the leftovers given to me.
I used plaid from my stash
I was also able to find some leftover binding strips
to make a scrappy binding!!!