I had the pleasure this last weekend of
getting an impromptu tour of her
serene home.
The table is set.
Ready for a yummy meal.
Everything was neat and tidy.
But I'm so glad she did!
Aren't you?
Me too.

What pretty colors!
who knows?
But they sure look better than
the piles at my house.
Oh my! How beautiful!
What a restful home.
Don't you think they add fun and whimsy?
What pretty colors!
that sits on the end of her bed.
This is the quilt I made for her last year.
A thank you gift for all she does for the
many college students that she
gives to every year!
One of them is my daughter!
Red and white kind of fits in her house....
don't you think?
Whoo! Hoo!
In the next post I'd like to share with you
the large collection of crossstitch
and redwork that Nancy has created!
You'll love it.