After folding ALL this fabric recently...
I don't need any more fabric!!!
The act of folding it really, really helped!
I vowed I would not go to a fabric store
until I REALLY needed something
AND....I haven't been to a fabric store since.

I went to a THRIFT store!
A thrift store is not a fabric store.
I wasn't even THINKING about fabric when I saw these curtains.
They were still in the package!
Brand new!
(excuse the sideways picture above.
I got ahead of myself....as usual...
and didn't turn it before posting.))

Well, my mind went right to QUILT.
These would make a great
I bought 'em!
I took 'em home!
And now I can make another quilt!
I think I can just fit these curtains in that empty
space on the second shelf. :)

This is a quilt top that I have had in my cupboard for years.
This is the way I used to make quilts...
and this one never made the cut and never was gifted.
I would Cut 6" squares and sew them together.
Well, I didn't think this quilt would ever find a good home.
BUT...I think this week it did!
My daughter's friend came over and
ooohed and aaawed over all the quilts
over here at my house...
Did you know I have a few quilts?
Every bed, every sofa, a few walls....
it's kind of embarrassing.

Like I said, this quilt has waited a long time.
That little square there came from a skirt I made
M-a-n-y, m-a-n-y Moons ago!
So I quilted this top and finished it...
no longer a UFO.

I was so happy to make a college girl happy.
Everyone should have a quilt....
especially if that somebody
LOVES quilts....

Here's the back.
I have a whole bolt of muslin I need to use up.
What do you quilters use for muslin...
how do I look for quality in muslin?
inquiring minds want to know.