
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pink Charity

This week afforded me some TIME...
(A RARE occurrence over here)...
so I was able to finish my charity quilt!

I'm so happy I added those borders.
Little things sometimes help a LOT!!
The side panels are 3"...
the bottom and top are 4 1/2".
I USE what I have friends!!

I thought the BRIGHT pink gingham backing was SO nice...
I also used it for the binding!

This pattern is SO simple
and SUCH a great way to use up those 5" squares 
that were hanging around here!!

I love this quilt so much...
it will be hard to give away!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Monday Making

Here's a very soft and pretty charity quilt
I put together yesterday.

It all began with a quilty question
and a picture of a quilt sent via email.

I was asked....
Did I know the pattern...
and what were the dimensions.

THAT got me going!!!

Hah hah!!
A little sewing MATH to keep the Ol' brain cells moving!

I used two 5" squares
and a 3 1/2"x 9 1/2" rectangle for each block.
(You can get FOUR rectangles out of a
3 1/2" strip cut Width of fabric)

I have a nice STASH of 5" squares I was able to use
and after putting this quilt top together
I realized
the PINKS are definitely USED up!!!

I didn't know that could happen!!!

I'm not sure MY version is the same as the photo sent to me...
but it WORKED!
A simple charity quilt
that used UP some STASH
gave my mind some exercise!!

My son was busy weaving as I sewed
and since I admired this one
(It's lovely right??)
It was GIVEN to me!!!

I LOVE these bright colors.
Such a contrast to the project I was working on!!!

So friends...
What are YOU working on???

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Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday Finish

When I threw some half square triangles on my sewing table last week...

I didn't have a plan.

These triangles seemed to LEAD THE WAY...

And I really LIKE where we ENDED UP!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Monday Making

I'm playing around with some leftover
There are SO many possibilities
when using half square triangles!!!

When I finally finish PLAYING...
I'll sew them together.


What are YOU making this week????

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Monday Making

I saw this block last week and KNEW I had to TRY it!
The pattern is available at blocklotto.
Some people will be sending theirs in
to possibly WIN a set!!

I have YET to decide which Way I'll go.
KEEP my blocks...???
SEND them in and HOPE to win.????

I will make some more this week and decide.

What are YOU making this week???

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday Finish

I'm happy to have a finish this Friday.
This is a very simple "I spy" quilt
using 5" squares.

I have a bag FULL of  Novelty prints
and my bag didn't disappoint me!!
I had JUST ENOUGH to make this quilt
without duplicating!

The piano key border is just 2 1/2" strips cut width of fabric....
 sewn together in THREES and then cut into 4" segments.
 I only needed 3 sets of these long strip sets
PLUS a few extra pieces to 
get all the way around my quilt!
So simple and it goes together SO FAST!!!

I'm OFF to quilt!!!

Happy SEWING friends!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Monday Making

There's a lot of MAKING going on this week at my house
Even though I'm SITTING around quite a bit
with a broken foot!

It's not THAT bad.

I crochet, sew or knit
while someone ELSE does the dishes!!!

The above afghan is a work in progress 
using a NEW TO ME stitch called the spike stitch.
I found instructions on youtube....
My "GO TO" source these days.
It's so much easier to watch instructions
than to READ and try to figure it out.

Why am I making another afghan when I have so many??
If you wondered that...
You're not a MAKER.

I've also been doing a little bit of cooking.....
Hobbling as I go.

We have a garden FULL of produce
that seems to supply most of the FRESH food in our meals.
I LOVE having all the choices my husband 
included in the garden this year.

I did a simple stir fry with the vegetables above.

I'm also working on gifts.
Special requests from the kids.

The above coasters are from a pattern on craftsy.
It's a free pattern in my pattern shop.

I made these a bit bigger than the pattern states.
I LOVE to adjust patterns to the particular project.
A little bigger??
NO problem.
JUST....a little bit of math.

I really like the BIG stitches I added to these.
In my opinion...
a LITTLE bit of hand quilting goes a LONG way.
It adds SO much!

Sitting around a lot means you get MORE done...
not less.

I just finished this sweet sweater
Thinking about what color yarn to pull out for the next one!!!

This is the 5 hour sweater that takes a LOT longer that 5 hours!!!
It's a classic....
You can find it on Ravelry.

What are YOU making this week???

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