
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Monday Making

It's time!
Time to think about what I'll be making THIS week.

The only thing I can commit to is binding.
(life has been full with moving parents
and cleaning out parents house...

Hopefully this quilt will be BOUND by Friday.
Goals are good.

I love this quilt.
I love the quilted lines.
I love the stars.

the question is....
What fabric will I use for binding?????
I'll be digging
I'll be binding.

After all...
I have SO much fabric
I can't see buying something!!!

What are you up too???
Please link up and share.

I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful neighborhood I call...

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Simple Quilts

It's a JOY to make simple quilts.

Simple quilts that will give warmth and happiness!

These two quilts will be donated to a school in Kenya.
It was FUN taking lots of flannel scraps and
making something useful!

The scraps in this quilt are BIG.
They were given to me and needed VERY LITTLE trimming.
They were MEANT to be together.
The farm animals are even going the RIGHT direction!

Even BIG scraps can find a happy home in a QUILT!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015


Monday is here.... But I'm not making. 
I'm moving my fatherinlaw to his new home! Seems appropriate to be helping a veteran on this holiday weekend. ;)

Hope to be back next week with a linky party!

Potholders shown were made last week and given away already!!
I will never tire of making and giving!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blogger's Quilt Festival

It's time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival again!

Thought I'd share my most recent finish.

This quilt is for a high school graduate.
The strips of blue, brown, gold.....etc.
found a happy home in this scrappy quilt!

If you visit me here often...
You KNOW I love scrappy quilts!

I was happy to find a bright modern print for the backing too!

Scraps are not wasted at MY house.

They always find a HAPPY HOME.

Enjoy the quilt show!
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hand pieced treasure

This old quilt top found a new home today.
MY home.
I'll give her a border....
Quilt her....
And USE her.

It was love at first sight.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Monday Making

It's time for a linky party!
What are you up to this week?

I'm quilting.
It's also called Wrestling!

Link up.....
visit some blogs.....
and give that encouragement you're SO GOOD at!!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, May 15, 2015




Kitchen prints!

If you're a regular visitor here
you know I make a LOT of these.
They suit me.
They are....
Practical and Pretty.
They make the perfect little "just because" gift!

I added toweling for batting
and had this fun print for the back!

Ooooh! I love making!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

String Quilt

I finished a string quilt today.
The 1 1/2" strips were hand me downs.
Not sure I would have put these colors together....
but it's a SCRAP quilt.
The very BEST kind.

These little strips of cotton
make me so happy!

As soon as I finished the last seam...
I ran to my daughter's room to see if it FIT!!


 IF I had to choose a favorite KIND of quilt....
The string quilt would be IT!!!!

what's your favorite?

This is all I had left when I was done.

So happy to use ALMOST ALL of the scraps!!
My scrap bucket can't fit any MORE!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Monday Making

When I am not at home...
I'm knitting.

There are doctor appointments....
camping trips.....
evenings visiting with family......
waiting here....
waiting there....

If it is gets DONE!!!!
Knitting projects are all in little tote bags ready to go!!!

Making little beanies seems to be one of my
"GO TO" projects.

What are you up to this week????

This is ONE knitting project that challenged me.
The TREETOP lace rows were QUITE a STRETCH for this novice knitter!!!
I purchased this soft yarn and pattern
on a recent anniversary trip.
It's fun to celebrate with a NEW project!

Two of the challenging rows are now DONE.
They have BEEN conquered!!!

Now I get to knit and purl...
knit and purl....
for a LONG time.

I have this little knit project "at the READY "
for the next appointment....
the next long CAR ride...
the next meeting!!!
I look forward to using this SOFT wrap when the weather cools off.

Link up and join the party.
Hope you're able to fit some MAKING into your week!!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Homemade and Happy

I picked  up my new sunglasses this week.
Love the polka dot detail inside.

I was also given a BIG BIG case to protect them.

This HOMEMADE case fits SO much better in my bag.

It's NOT bullet proof
and NOT smash proof.

I'd rather risk injury to my glasses...

than DEAL with this HUGE pink ELEPHANT in my purse.

It only took ONE quilt square
a bit of batting
and some Bias tape.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Monday Making with a song

It's a new WEEK! 
It's a new DAY!
A week to be MAKING
and SEWING all the day.
You do a little making
and you do a little GIVING...
THAT's what it's all about!!
(sung to the tune of hokey pokey)

And yes...
It IS a kind of HOKEY song.

This is the week for quilting for me!

I have quilt tops that need to be QUILTED!

I'm calling it quilting "season"

Due dates are here....
My machine is now running smoothly....
and I can get 'em DONE!!

This quilt was purchased and has a new happy home.
How could it's new home NOT be happy
with all that COLOR!!!

The backing is even bright!!

What are you up to this week??

Share what you're up to
and do that thing you do BEST!!
Encourage others.
This is such a GREAT neighborhood to be part of!!
The link to the block used in this quilt is HERE.
Tried to link in the comment section
and didn't have much success.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.