
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday words

This pillow is my favorite of the Christmas gifts recieved this year.

It's a favorite because...

Number's homemade!
Number two..... My daughter made it using the "stitch doodling" technique
(Stitching without pattern Or definite plan)
Number three.....she used what she had to make it. Kind of a scrappy style embroidery project!  ;). I'm a BIG fan of using what you have without a trip to buy supplies!  Sometimes that's how creativity HAPPENS!

These three words greet me every time I walk in the front door.
They give me a little hug.

Loving stitches.
That's what they are.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monday Making

What are you making today??

I went camping over the weekend.
YES.....It was a CHILLY trip!
But no one complained.....
except me.  LOL!  

Trailer camping is new to me.
TWO years new
I LOVE being able to have a sewing machine along on vacation.
ALL I need to make me happy
is a productive hour or two sewing SCRAPS together!!!

The weekend trip only allowed me enough time
to make TWO of these  scrappy blocks!
That's O.k.
I had lots of time to play with kids
and granddaughter!

Camping  is ALL about making HAPPY memories!
IF you can squeeze some sewing time in....
ALL the better!!!

So friends....
what are YOU making this week???
Link up and share.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pretty pillow

Doing what I love to do!
Taking something old and pretty
And giving it a new life!
I'm not sure this doily wanted to be a pillow.....
But that's what she is NOW. ;)

I first quilted a foundation for the doily with some gray fabric and batting.
I pinned the lace doily on the front and just sewed around the edges!
I then added some old lace on both sides.
Pretty pillow project.
My kind of fun!

Linking up with sew fresh quilts today!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Monday Making

It's not quite Monday yet...
but I wanted to get this off my "to do" list.
I want to wake up tomorrow without ANYTHING
that I HAVE to do..
EXCEPT take a day trip with the family!!!
We're heading up to the mountains
for a day in the Wonderful WORLD of nature!!!
You can be sure I'll have my knitting needles
clicking away on the drive up!

Monday is a day to share.
What are YOU making???
What are you IN THE MIDDLE OF???

I JUST finished these shams over the weekend
for a new quilt owner.
She bought a quilt
and wanted shams to match!

What a concept.
Why didn't I THINK OF THAT??
Ha ha!
Glad I had some fabric that matched.
Good thing I have a "SORT of" organized stash!!!
One bucket for this...
On bucket for that.
Some things get buckets.
Some get baskets.
Some just get little baggies.

What are you up to this week?
Add your post to the link up.
It's always fun to see what's going on with you!

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

String quilt Love

Making quilts NEVER gets old.

It's an exciting ADVENTURE every time!

Even when I AM making a BOY quilt.
Boy quilts are a bit of a challenge for me!
I love cute. pink. and Sweet.
Those things DO NOT describe this quilt!

But BOYS need quilts too!!!

This quilt will be given to a high school graduate
at my church.

Gotta love a stringy. scrappy. FUN quilt!!!

Blocks were made using an old sheet for foundation.
Strips/scraps were added to the triangle foundations and trimmed.
Cream Solid triangle was added to the string triangle to make 
8 1/4" half square triangles.
Put it all together with a border.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Heart pins

Little pins.


This project got a hold of me...
and wouldn't let GO!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Making


What are you making today?

I'm cutting 1" strips
and making little tiny hexagons.
They are JUST the right size for a cup of coffee.
Coffee is an important part of my morning!!
Ha ha.

I just took this pattern
and instead of cutting 2 1/2" strips...
I cut 1" strips.
I also added some batting...
a backing....
and turned the hexagons into
 little coasters!

Link up and share with us what YOU'RE making!

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Finish - a little zipper bag

Everything about this little pouch
makes me smile.

I finished up the crewel stitching
on that tiny heart project.
Someone else's UFO
that ended up with me.
The fuzzy crewel yarn....
the needle....
EVERYTHING was there.
It took MAYBE 15 minutes TOPS to finish it!!

That makes me smile.

I added strips of fabric to make it wide enough for a pouch.

The fabric lining is so great!
It looks like little PINS!

The perfect lining for a sewing bag!

The back of this pouch is an old piece of fabric.
A small piece that seemed to be JUST RIGHT
for this project.

Those little pieces EVENTUALLY find homes.
Sometimes it just takes TIME.

I even had that red gingham ribbon
that matches PERFECTLY!

Smiles all around.

Linking up with AmandaJean and Sarah again today.
I've also been hosting a linky party
on Mondays for you to share what you're MAKING.
Friday is for finishes.
Mondays are for Making!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Making

What are you making this week??
There's a linky today if you want to share.

I had a get together Friday
and a group of us put some of these together
for a high school graduate
requesting a YELLOW quilt.

Many hands make LIGHT work.
I'm now trimming them
making them all JUST the right size.

To make this simple block:

I began by cutting 6" wide strips.
(Width of fabric)

Then I cut them into 10" segments.
There was VERY little waste.
I was able to get FOUR pieces out of each strip.

With a small stack of different colors together...
I cut diagonally.
I didn't cut them ALL the same way.
Some are cut ONE way...
some the other.

Using two pieces from the stack...

I joined them.

We had a nice stack of blocks
I am now trimming them UP to 5 1/2"x 9 1/2"

It's going to take of LOT of these to make a quilt.

What are YOU making this week????

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