
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monday Making

What are you making today??

I went camping over the weekend.
YES.....It was a CHILLY trip!
But no one complained.....
except me.  LOL!  

Trailer camping is new to me.
TWO years new
I LOVE being able to have a sewing machine along on vacation.
ALL I need to make me happy
is a productive hour or two sewing SCRAPS together!!!

The weekend trip only allowed me enough time
to make TWO of these  scrappy blocks!
That's O.k.
I had lots of time to play with kids
and granddaughter!

Camping  is ALL about making HAPPY memories!
IF you can squeeze some sewing time in....
ALL the better!!!

So friends....
what are YOU making this week???
Link up and share.

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  1. Nothing nicer than being able to sew while camping...
    Enjoy the family..

  2. Have to have your "fix" even while camping? At first I thought it was a Trip Around the World... it will have the same effect if you keep that same red and green path. Sounds like you had all kinds of fun.


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