
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Monday Making

It's not quite Monday yet...
but I wanted to get this off my "to do" list.
I want to wake up tomorrow without ANYTHING
that I HAVE to do..
EXCEPT take a day trip with the family!!!
We're heading up to the mountains
for a day in the Wonderful WORLD of nature!!!
You can be sure I'll have my knitting needles
clicking away on the drive up!

Monday is a day to share.
What are YOU making???
What are you IN THE MIDDLE OF???

I JUST finished these shams over the weekend
for a new quilt owner.
She bought a quilt
and wanted shams to match!

What a concept.
Why didn't I THINK OF THAT??
Ha ha!
Glad I had some fabric that matched.
Good thing I have a "SORT of" organized stash!!!
One bucket for this...
On bucket for that.
Some things get buckets.
Some get baskets.
Some just get little baggies.

What are you up to this week?
Add your post to the link up.
It's always fun to see what's going on with you!

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  1. Love the shams. So colorful and cheery.
    Will you please share a brief tutorial on making these? They would make a perfect gift when you do not have the time to make an entire quilt!!!

  2. Those are lovely and will be beautiful with the quilt on the bed. Have a fun day.

  3. Your shams are a sensation, good job and so very cheery, just like you!


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