I'm calling the quilt block "four squared".
This will be my FOURTH set!
Probably not my last either!!!
The holidays are coming...
and I THINK they make great little gifts!

One of my friends in blogland wanted a short
"how to".
I will oblige.
Begin with two 1 1/2" strips
Mine are about 21" long.....
cut from fat quarters.
After sewing the two strips together cut into 1 1/2" segments.
These four segments will make ONE coaster.
Cut a couple more 1 1/2" strips.
You don't need much!
You're adding 2 1/2" pieces to the little segments.
Add a 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" LIGHT piece on the side of TWO segments.
Add a 2 1/2"x 1 1/2" DARK piece
on the side of the other TWO segments.
Arrange them like this.
Sew the pieces together.
Your block should be 4 1/2"x 4 1/2"
Backing right side up.
(I cut mine a bit bigger than the block)
Coaster right side down.
Batting 4 12/"x 4 1/2"
Sew around the coaster leaving a small opening.
After turning it right side out.....
Pin the opening closed.
Slip stitch it closed.
Add some quilting stitches.
I used embroidery floss.....3 strands.
Begin by entering an inch or so AWAY from your beginning.
This is how you HIDE the knot.
Pull through.
Give a little TUG...and it will be HIDDEN.
Do the same thing when you END.
Just make a knot....
And exit AWAY from where you stopped sewing.
Fish around with your needle to pull that thread INSIDE.
Make THREE more...
Tie them up with a ribbon
and GIVE something PRETTY AWAY!