
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Monday Making

There's a lot of MAKING going on this week at my house
Even though I'm SITTING around quite a bit
with a broken foot!

It's not THAT bad.

I crochet, sew or knit
while someone ELSE does the dishes!!!

The above afghan is a work in progress 
using a NEW TO ME stitch called the spike stitch.
I found instructions on youtube....
My "GO TO" source these days.
It's so much easier to watch instructions
than to READ and try to figure it out.

Why am I making another afghan when I have so many??
If you wondered that...
You're not a MAKER.

I've also been doing a little bit of cooking.....
Hobbling as I go.

We have a garden FULL of produce
that seems to supply most of the FRESH food in our meals.
I LOVE having all the choices my husband 
included in the garden this year.

I did a simple stir fry with the vegetables above.

I'm also working on gifts.
Special requests from the kids.

The above coasters are from a pattern on craftsy.
It's a free pattern in my pattern shop.

I made these a bit bigger than the pattern states.
I LOVE to adjust patterns to the particular project.
A little bigger??
NO problem.
JUST....a little bit of math.

I really like the BIG stitches I added to these.
In my opinion...
a LITTLE bit of hand quilting goes a LONG way.
It adds SO much!

Sitting around a lot means you get MORE done...
not less.

I just finished this sweet sweater
Thinking about what color yarn to pull out for the next one!!!

This is the 5 hour sweater that takes a LOT longer that 5 hours!!!
It's a classic....
You can find it on Ravelry.

What are YOU making this week???

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Sorry about your foot, Beth! I take it that it's your right foot so you can't sew or drive. Hope it heals fast and that you can abide in patience.

  2. At least the foot hasn't kept you from getting a few projects done. Though hobbling around can't be fun. Hope it heals quickly.

  3. Makers are very adaptable. What a great list of what you are doing

  4. This Maker wishes she could make your foot instantly better! I'll have to check out the spike stitch. I've picked up a few new crochet stitches this summer while making lots of hats for the granddaughters for Christmas but haven't run across the spike stitch yet.

  5. I am finishing a batch of QOV blocks for Alycia's block drive. I'm also tidying up the last details for a baby quilt that will be shipped off by week's end to our now-in-Kansas nephew and wife (baby due 10/31). And I, too, am a maker . . .

  6. The little sweater is so cute! Is it for a granddaughter? My fall back knitting project is always dish rags. I never learned to crochet, my mother crocheted, I didn't have to learn. I always took her the yarn and she made the project. Take it easy hobbling around on your foot, you don't want a set back in the healing process. Blessings, Gretchen

  7. Adorable knitted items - maybe I'll have to dig out my needles!

  8. Thank you for sharing your coaster tutorial! I do believe they will be my first attempt at hand quilting! Thank you for making it look so easy!

  9. Thanks so much for hosting linky parties.. with a broken foot! so much inspirations. And I love that crochet blanket, I go check it out now :)

  10. Oh, I did not know you broke your foot - take care and keep making/resting.

  11. I love how productive you are even with a broken foot. Can you ever have enough afghans?


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