
Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday making without a party

I'm making this week.... But the party will have to wait.
Trying to add a linky party while camping is a bit tricky!
Too tricky for this girl!🙂
Hope my regular monday making friends don't mind waiting until next week to link up!

I'm camping with a broken foot so there's lots of sitting going on!!!
Good thing I have yarn!!
I started a crochet afghan using a new to me stitch.
I'm also just beginning a knit dress for this cutie!

Camping is fun.... Even if you have to sit the whole time!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Monday Making

I'm still working away at preserving the garden produce.
It takes a BIT of time making sure the GREAT vegetables
my husband's garden provides 
make it into onto our plates
and into our tummies.

He had a few VOLUNTEER cucumber plants this year.
That means = LOTS of cucumbers!!!!
This is the VERY first year I've attemped pickles.
That seemed to be the only way to get a handle on the situation!!!
I don't know what took me so long!!!
They are SO easy!!
I used this recipe for these dill pickles and LOVE them!

I will be making pickles EVERY year.

what are YOU up to this week???

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

A Scrappy Finish

 It's always HAPPY DANCE TIME when a quilt is finished!
The dance is EXTRA jazzy when it's a QUEEN sized finish!!

I know some of you use tumblers that are cut with a machine...
but friends...
these are all HAND cut with a template and rotary blade.
LOTS of netflix helped me along.
If I could say this was HAND pieced as well......
well.... THAT would be something to brag about...
but I can't.
My little featherweight did ALL the work.

I am SO happy with this quilt top!
I wanted to emphasize the green and I think I managed that!
There is enough green to make this quilter happy.

I DO love SCRAP quilts!!

 Here's a quilt I saw today when visiting a friend.
Isn't it great???

Love the scrappy colorful happiness here.
I also love the little feet that get to spend time
rolling around on it!!

Babies and quilts are meant to be TOGETHER!!!
Don't you think???

And here's a recipe that's sure to make you forget the HEAT!
It's been SO hot here....

The recipe calls it SALSA.
I call it SALAD!!!!

I served it with cheese quesadillas.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Monday Making and a little dreaming

I have a lot of making in store this week.
There are the vegetables that need to be DEALT with.

I'm thinking about trying a pickle recipe HERE.
I pulled the mason jars and out and ran them in the dishwasher.
There are tons of cucumbers that didn't make the photo.

I'm also working on a baby sweater.
I only work on this in the evenings when I'm ready for a little SIT DOWN time!
There's no I can putter along slowly on this.

I'm trying to get this OFF my living room floor.....
so I sew every chance I get between the activities of the day.

Now for the dreaming.....
I didn't know I wanted to make soap until I read THIS POST!!!
Margo is an industrious Mom who's always up to something

and then there's THIS.

King Arthur flour is having a little monthly bake along!
I'm not usually a bread maker....
but NOW I'm dreaming about THAT!!!

I'll take it One day at a time
and just SEE how much making I'll have time for!!!

What about you???
Link up and share about what YOU are making!!!

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Saturday, August 13, 2016


Congratulations Kathi.
You're the winner of one handmade dishcloth.
Made with LOVE.
Hope it makes your dish washing 
and your counter top cleaning...
a little more pleasant!!!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by!!


For those wondering...
Son's surgery went well
and he's on the MEND.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Monday Making in August - and a little giveaway

It's going to be a different kind of MAKING week for me.
I won't be home much.
My son is having surgery and I'd LOVE to sew as I wait...
but I think this little knitting project will suit.

It's just a little dishcloth with a twist on the Basket weave pattern.
I like to play around with stitches on these small projects
and just see what happens!!!

I have LOTS of color to choose from!
How many of these balls will I pack in my bag???

And, I'm sure you KNOW...
this won't be the only project I pack!!
MAKING is BEST when there are at least THREE things going at ONCE!!

I already have this one complete.
I thought it would be nice to send this along to one of my
blogland friends!!!
It's SO LITTLE....but....
If you'd like to have something pretty and practical...
leave a note and I'll choose a number at the end of the week.
It's a VERY SMALL thank you for your visits here
and for your KIND words!

I'm thankful for YOU!

What are YOU making this week???

Knitting pattern for those interested:
Use cotton yarn and size 7 or 8 needles.
                                                     Row 1:  Cast on 40
                                                     Rows 2-5:  Knit 4, Purl 2, k4, p2, k4, repeat this pattern 

                                                     Rows 6-9: Purl 4, Knit 2, p4, k2, p4, repeat this pattern

                                                     Repeat. rows 2-9 until you're satisfied with size.

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Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday Finish

The baby shower is tomorrow.

The quilt is READY!

Need to get that label on!!!
