
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Little scraps and orphans

I don't get tired of making practical potholders.

It makes me happy to give little things away
using UP leftover scraps of pretty fabric.

Even Orphan blocks make great little mugrugs!

I was happy to use this lovely plaid on the back that I've been saving!

One thing is for SURE!
I will use up my old towels... 
before I even make a DENT in the SCRAP BASKET!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Monday Making

Meet the newest member of my family!!
Born last week.
Healthy mom. Healthy baby. HAPPY grandma!

WhatEVER I make this week will revolve around HER...
and in between I'll add a few more stitches to THIS:

I've been carrying this scarf around with me.
It's knit back and forth with only a couple of thoughtful stitches at each end.
I say THOUGHTFUL because I DO have to think..
and when I CAN'T think...
I look at that index card attached to the bottom there
and remind myself of the SUPER simple pattern.
Pattern found here at Purl soho.

What are you making this week??
Link up and share.

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

As you can see...
I used EVERY last piece of fabric to complete this quilt.
The borders have that
FREE TO BE ME kind of vibe!

I love the way this Christmas quilt turned out.
It will fill out my Christmas quilt collection
and is one of the FEW that will actually cover a twin size bed!
Most are lap quilts and hang around the sofas and chairs.

One of these years I'll ask the kids to choose a quilt to KEEP.
I don't need them ALL!

Merry Christmas to YOU!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Making

Christmas is almost here.......
so I pulled out my box of Christmas fabric!!
It's not too late - YET - to make a Christmas quilt!!!

It's MY way of AVOIDing the wrapping of all those gifts.
I confess....Wrapping is NOT my favorite.

I know the day will come.
I know I'll have to DO IT!
I also know how to AVOID it for as long as possible!

Anyone else have trouble fussy cutting??
This seems SO wrong!!

My frugal nature had a HARD time cutting this fabric!!!

I have enjoyed having a sewing buddy read to me though!!
One of the perks of the holiday BREAK!!!

What are you up to???
Link up and share.

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Practical handwork

I've been busy.
I have a nice HEALTHY stack of practical!!!
(knit dishcloths)
I love the waffle pattern shown.

I'll add some soap...
or something sweet...
wrap it up and say...


Sunday, December 13, 2015

monday making

I was so pleased to receive this photo of Maria's TRIO this week!!
Aren't they sweet???

She fashioned them after seeing my little kitty a couple of weeks ago.

I love the little PUPPY in the middle!
So cute!!!

It's time for Monday making.....
And Christmas is right around the corner!
What are you up to???

Link up and share your creative pursuits.
We LOVE to be inspired...RIGHT?????

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

five by five

I like to make little somethings for the new members at my church.
It's usually a couple of potholders and the church cookbook....
but this is for a young man who doesn't do much cooking.

I had fun piecing all those little 1 1/2" squares!

Little tiny pieces are SO wonderful!

The back of my little coaster did NOT come out as planned.
This is the wrong side of a lovely piece of blue/gold fabric.

When I realized my mistake....
I decided to just GO WITH IT
and avoid the seam ripper.

No one will EVER know.

After all....
the back side will be hiding MOST of the time anyway!!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Making

It's Monday!
Time to think about what I'd like to make this week!
All I could manage this morning
was to pull this old friend out.

 This is a quilt I made a few years ago that doesn't scream Christmas...
but I think it fits in with all the red and green!
I used paper pieced stars ala Peggy Martin
and some applique by ME.

I've been pulling out my Christmas quilts
and Plopping them here and there.
Christmas decorations are going to be VERY minimal this year
due to a long kitchen remodel going on.
Christmas cookies can't even be baked!!!
I'm just crossing my fingers it'll be done before the 25th.
I'm so glad remodels happen only ONCE in a lifetime.

What are you making???
I want to hear all about it!

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday thoughts

It's time to decorate for Christmas.
Good thing I have a quilt to hang up...
Decorations are going to be minimal this year because my house looks like this...
(there's a kitchen remodel going on)

and I'm not up to pulling out more STUFF to add to the confusion!!

This quilt came back from the publisher JUST in time to sling over a chair!

I was so happy to be included in the recent McCall's Quick Quilt

My knitting needles have been moving around with me.
Days have been busy!
The scrap quilter in me had to see if I could use a variety of yarns
to complete this little fall vest.
I'm happy I wondered!