
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Monday Making

It's time for a Monday Making party.
Time to link up and share with this quilty community
what YOU're making this week!!!

I'm happy to share I have a FINISH!

A simple crochet baby blanket 
using some random balls of yarn.
All it took was a single crochet stitch and then a double crochet.

Towards the end I ran out of the blue
so I had to substitute another shade.
I am so happy with the way this turned out!

I'm a quilter at heart
and LOVE using lots of color in my yarn projects!

Making those ONE color projects...which I do...
are not QUITE as much FUN!!!

This week I really want to GET GOING
on my table toppers project!!!

I'm making table toppers for an upcoming retreat.
They are auctioned off at the end of the weekend.
It's a GREAT way to decorate the tables
AND earn some money for the retreat!

My goal is 12
and I have 6 so far!!!

This orphan block just might be the start of the next one!!

What are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Monday Making

On a rainy, rainy day...
ALL you need is a nice warm fire
and a PROJECT!!

I am working on a new baby blanket.
The babies just keep coming and I LOVE 
a quilt or afghan READY 
when I find out someone's expecting
my kids let me know their friend "needs" one.

I am using an assortment of yarn
found at the thrift store.
Someone had a nice little group of soft colors
that I think go together nicely.
I didn't have to do ANY thinking at all
when it came to color selection!!!

I am changing colors as the MOOD STRIKES!\
and I LOVE the different sized stripes.

what are YOU making this week??

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Monday Making

My week is going to be GOOD.
VERY good.

The reason?
I'm going to continue to play with my scraps.

Last week....
I thought I'd be working on this baby quilt.
But...... One thing led to another....

And THIS happened.

After sewing strips and squares...
I began to play.

"How should they be ARRANGED?" I wondered.

Right now they look like this.

I will let them marinate tonight
and see what I think tomorrow.

I've said it before...
I'll say it again....
Scraps are my FAVORITE kind of fabric!!!!

This quilt also contains lots of old shirts and sheets.
Cotton fabric is found in SO many places.

what are YOU making this week???

Thank you for all your sweet comments last week.
I'm home with baby and all's well.

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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Monday Making

It's time for a Monday Making party!!

I spent the weekend away UNEXPECTEDLY with our foster baby
in the hospital.
I realized tonight that this party needed to HAPPEN!
Almost lost track of the days!

We're both home now.

Thankful for the friends and family that came alongside me
and made the weekend a LOT less stressful than it could have been.

Husband was out of that made it kind of tricky.

I was also thankful that I had accidentally left
toothbrush and paste in my knitting bag after a dentist appointment.
What a WONDERFUL feeling to find it after 
an emergency trip to hospital ended in a weekend stay!
The only reason the knitting bag ended up with me...
was that I was knitting when the emergency happened!!!

Another simple...but BIG thanks...
was that paramedics wrapped the baby in an afghan as we took off!
I LOVED having something comfy to sleep with at night!

This is on my floor at home.
I hope to get some sanity this week as I sew!!!
What are YOU making this week???

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Friday, January 6, 2017

Baby Quilt

Baby quilts are SO much fun to make.
I love the colors, the fabrics 
the SIZE!!

The colors in this quilt are soft.
There were some fabrics that DIDN'T make the CUT.
Fabrics I thought would blend in.....
but they SHOUTED from their spot....
I took them OUT.

The yellows are a bit BRIGHT and noisy......
but they're singing ALL ABOUT a sunshiny day
and that's a GOOD thing!

I'm so glad I slowed down enough to realize
this quilt needed to be SOFT and SWEET.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Monday Making

I am so HAPPY to report that 2017 is beginning with a QUILT!

Squares are 3".
ALL from my stash.
There are some oldies but goodies in here.
Scrap quilts will always have my HEART.

This quilt is for an upcoming baby shower.
I plan to quilt and then TRIM the edges straight.
THAT way I won't have to worry about Bias edges.
Bias edges are very finicky!!

What are YOU making this first week of the NEW year??

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