
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Making somethings out of nothings

When you know how to use a sewing machine...
anything is possible!

Curtain samples become bags!!!

When fabric...
any kind of fabric FALLS into my lap...
it becomes SOMETHING.
It's even better when the GROMMETS are included.

Here you can see the sample tag that still needs to be removed.
We all know how to use a seam ripper...right??

Here's the last curtain sample that needs to BECOME something.

Falling fabric was caught and transformed.
Yeah!! for a good catch!

Each sample yielded 2 good sized bags.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Making

I've been sewing!

Sewing by HAND.
Hand quilting to be exact.  ;)
One little stitch at a time.
It is a peaceful and productive activity
that I love!

Hand quilting while camping
is the definitely the perfect combination!!!
Finding my dropped thimble or needle in the dirt
is NOT so perfect though.

What are you making??
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Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Making

Aren't these little half square triangles FUN??

They measure about 2"x 2"
and when they are sewn all together
they SCREAM happy!!

I am either going to use them as a border for something...
or maybe I'll begin my yearly Table Mat Making Project
and turn them into something SMALL.
(the last couple of years I have made
and donated
about 12 table mats for a retreat auction)

What are YOU up to this week??

Link up and share.

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Scraps on Friday

When you have a few scraps leftover from a project...

It's nice to make them USEFUL
RIGHT away!!!

Whip them up into little zipper bags!

Don't even let them LEAVE the cutting mat!!!


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Cabin in the Woods for McCall's Quick Quilts

I'm excited to share this quilt with you today.
It's included in the most recent McCall's Quick Quilts.

The Christmas trees are made of vintage triangles handed down to me.
You all KNOW I love vintage fabric, hand-me-downs...and QUILTS!

I quilted it with a nice swirly "SNOW" design.
Very simple...and very sweet.

How about that cabin??
I was reminded of reading the Little House on the Prairie books
when designing this one!!
I LOVED reading them as a child...and then again
aloud to my own children.
The first book in the series describes
the little house in the big woods and really put this image in my mind.

There's a fun facebook video that introduces ALL the quilts in this magazine
And a little information about my design 
Subscription issues begin Oct. 13, 2015
and it will be on new stands Oct. 27, 2015.
It can also be purchased at

Have a great day!
Hope you're able to squeeze some sewing time in!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Monday making

It's LINKY party time!
Monday Making is just a FUN place to share.
What did you make this weekend?
What do you plan to make this week??

Maybe you found a new recipe?
I always love hearing about GREAT new easy dinner ideas!

I am chain piecing LOTS of little triangles.
OOOH! I can't wait to get them pressed
and then PLAY around with them.

I have SOME ideas about what I"ll do with them.
At this point.....I have ONLY ideas.
It gives me LOTS to think about.
I LIKE thinking about quilts.
Don't YOU???
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Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Finish

I have a weakness for little castoff projects.
They usually find their way to me through
hand me downs...
or spied in the thrift store.

These little UN-finished projects call my name.
Their voices scream at me from the shelf!!!

They are typically stuffed into old plastic bags.
They usually include thread, yarn, and other necessities.
This one even came with a NEEDLE!!!

This little project contained TWO of these oval-like needlepoint pieces.
There were some GAPS in the needlepoint.
Whoever began this one was ALMOST DONE!!!!
I finished it up at soccer practice last night 
and during a little netflix watching.

I'm sure it was originally intended to be an eyeglass case....
but I thought it would make a GREAT little zipper bag!

I was RIGHT!


It's the perfect size for my rotary cutters...
in case THAT's what I use it for.

Since there were TWO of these lovely oval pieces...
I can make ANOTHER zipper bag!!!

Oh the wonder and JOY of little castoffs!!!
They always find a HAPPY home at my house.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Monday Making

It's always fun to make a gift for someone special.
It's JUST as much fun to see them USING IT!!!

Makes my heart sing!!!

I made this for my daughter's friend for a recent birthday.
I included a bookstore gift card.
I got to sew AND encourage reading at the same time!!
Yeah for that!

What are you making this week??
Maybe you completed something GREAT this weekend!!!

Link up and share.

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