
Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Making

It's Monday.....
and Summer is in FULL swing!

I've been doing a lot of camping.
It's trailer camping...
so I'm not quite ROUGHING it.

I was able to finish this woven wrap
and I am SO proud of that FRINGE!!
I bought a little tool called a fringe twister.
Love the way it looks!!

I used my rigid heddle loom to weave this wrap
after seeing my friend Barbara weave hers!
We get LOTS of inspiration in blogland
dont' we???

So friends....
what are YOU up to this week??

Making anything?
Link up and share.

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  1. Your wrap is beautiful. I have always wanted to try to make one.

  2. Very nice shawl. You are so multi-talented. Nice job.

  3. Your weaving is so pretty, Beth.


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