It's not 2015 yet....
but I already have my 2015 quilts going!
Thanks to KIND blogland friends....
quilts for the high school seniors
will be EXTRA special this year.
Thank you
Don't these blocks look FUN together???
The "HOW to" for this scrappy block
is here .....
and then there's a second idea HERE.
(I have a second post about making it even scrappier!)
I made mine with old shirts
thinking they would be great for the boys.
Mary sent some pink and orange.
I'm sure she didn't want the girls to feel left out.
I will be making at least 4 quilts this year.
IF I have enough extra blocks.....
I'll make more and donate them to the local hospital chaplain.
I'd love to add some QUILTY love from BLOGLAND
into these FUN quilts!!!
*I'll send my address if you leave a comment letting me know
you're interested in sending a block.
(I'll be accepting blocks for a long time...
haven't settled on an END date yet!)
Thank you in advance for being
in this little corner of the world
I like to call BLOGLAND!!!