
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Monday Making

Are you making little Christmas things this year?
I bet we ALL are making something.
It's part of the holiday tradition for me!

Can't let a Christmas go by without creating SOMETHING!

These little Santas are an old favorite of mine.
This year I made a few more and instead of adding fake greenery
I cut some rosemary from the garden.
I'm so happy with the look and the nice SCENT!!

I also made a super quick and easy little baby quilt!
Chinese coins in little boy colors.

Baby boys are a little bit tricky to sew for.
You want sweet....but it can't be TOO SWEET!

I'm getting SO close to finishing my borders for
my hospital sketches quilt!

It's been my evening GO TO sewing when the chores are done!

What are YOU making this week??
Thanks for sharing.

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  1. I love making boy quilts -- part of it is because many of my quilts are given to a NICU and more boys end up in the NICU than girls. But I tend to buy cute boy fabric when I see it. Or novelty fabrics that will work both for boys and girls. Yours is really darling. I've just finished a "farm" quilt for a great niece's baby. It was fun to do. I may have to steal your idea some day!

  2. The baby quilt is lovely - cool, calm colors. And your hospital sketches quilt is gorgeous!


  3. Your Santa's are so cute, I love the smell of rosemary. The baby quilt and your applique border are lovely, happy stitching!

  4. The Santa's are really cute. You've been busy on a bunch of fun stuff. Happy stitching this week.

  5. What cute Santas! and that coins quilt... I just love it!

  6. Cute santas and I'm particularly fond of those pretty appliqued borders you are making.

  7. Hi,
    Love the Santa' cute. The baby boy quilt is cute. I love your border for your pretty. Have a great day!

  8. I want more details for those little santas! They look so cute. More pictures, please! (pretty please)

    1. The link to the youtube video about these santas is here -

    2. I bring the curser over the http.... and the hand does not show up to take me there. What is up with that?

    3. I'm sorry...I don't think the link I tried to add worked. My youtube channel is "my sewing room". Maybe links don't work in comments??

  9. Your applique borders look amazing! And love those sweet little Santas too. So creative.:)

  10. FYI, I just discovered your YOU Tube channel. I can't believe I've missed it since I watch so many sewing and quilting channels. We seem to be the same kind of quilter and seamstress with our mutual ideas. When we need something, we make it. I'm adding your blog to my favorites on my blog list.


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