
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Monday Making

Hello Quilting Friends!
What are YOU making this week??

I have been slowly working on a knitting project.
A cardigan sweater for one of my girls.

I've made so many  BABY sweaters...
I thought I would at least be able to FOLLOW a pattern in an adult size.
So far.....So good.
Adult sweaters do take a "TINY" bit longer!!!

(this free pattern is on ravelry HERE )

There will be a slight pause of TWO weeks for this link up party!

I will be unable to post for a couple of weeks.

Keep MAKING!!!

I'll be back!

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Monday Making

After a successful auction of SMALL quilts (table mats) last weekend,
I had a couple of requests from the losers.

I couldn't repeat the small quilt exactly...
But I tried to come close.

Scraps and orphan blocks just CAN'T be
repeated EXACTLY!!

What are YOU making this week??
Thanks to ALL who link up
and share!!!

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Saturday, April 14, 2018


When it comes to sewing...
It was a GOOD week!!

It helps to have a few things
ALMOST finished!!!

The first quilt was almost done.
It just needed a border.
This is my third graduation quilt.

I added binding to my hand woven baby blanket!
I added a soft pink cotton binding.

When that was done....
I added a border to this scrappy, scrappy quilt!
My fourth and last graduation quilt.
NOW.... to get them ALL quilted!!!

It was a miracle that the Saw tooth border fit perfectly!!!

Getting all these ALMOST finished things DONE
makes me want to BEGIN something VERY soon!!!

My wheels are churning!!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Monday Making

Hello quilting friends!

I'm home from a busy weekend and all I can think about is

I may open this "BRAND new"
Vintage package of embroidered quilt squares this week.
I found this pack at a thrift store for $2.

There are enough squares to make a QUEEN sized quilt!
***OOPS! I just checked.***
NOT. queen. sized. 
Don't ever give me an important job.

I have to say...
I haven't seen a quilt made with these yet!
Have YOU?

Link up and share about what YOU'RE making this week!

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Friday, April 6, 2018

A Parade

All the table mats are ready to go!
The quilted lines have been stitched.
The binding has been attached.
The car is packed.
It's time to roll these pretty little quilts up
and get moving!


These table mats are all ABOUT 20" square.
I am donating them to a women's retreat
where they will be auctioned off.

Happy stitching friends!!!


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Monday Making

At my house there are graduation quilts to be made.
This is my most recent and hopefully 
the last of  FOUR graduation quilts I'm making this year.

I LOVE giving these to the high school graduates at my church.
At my house there is also a lot of GREEN!!!

Lots of garden produce that needs a PLAN.
A MEAL plan!

Wish me luck!

This big ol' cabbage found a home in Yakisoba
(recipe found in an old cookbook of mine-
and a nice big bowl of coleslaw!

I'm using all this green in our meals.
I sneak in Spinach, kale, chard, celery, lettuce etc...
into every meal.

I'm convinced all this green is keeping us healthy.

O.K. friends
What are YOU making this week???

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