
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday Making

I was able to finish a quilt top this week!!

Happy DANCE!!!

My mom helped me make the four patches so it is
an EXTRA special quilt for sure!!!

It is one of the graduation quilts for the
seniors at my church.
My yearly QUILTY project is to give a quilt
to every graduating high school senior!

I will quilt it later...
so I left those edges AS IS.

The blocks were sewn together "on POINT"
Or - diagonally....
so I added a rectangle at the end of each row
and will trim the triangle points OFF later.

The reason, some of you know already,
Is that they will be BIAS edges when trimmed
and bias edges are VERY persnickety!

They like to bend and wobble.
Wobble and STRETCH!

I might be folding and unfolding this one
a few times before I get around to quilting it
I want to trim the edges later.
I might even quilt it BEFORE trimming.
That way I'll be SURE to keep the edge from getting distorted!

I COULD have added blue triangles all the way around.

But I didn't.

It was so much simpler (for me)
to cut rectangles and sew them on.
The fabric was not expensive.....
SO i'm not too worried about waste.
(the blue cotton is a VERY nice used cotton sheet!!)
I felt very THRIFTY as I pieced this one together!!!

I have so many other quilt projects to work on in my sewing room!
Not sure WHAT I'll pull out next.
What are YOU making this week???

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  1. Beautiful quilt and fun way to use scraps too. I need to decide on a simple design for my flannels.


  2. The quilt is coming along very nicely!!!! I'd quilt it first and trim later. You'll be glad you did, too. Scrappy quilts are the best!

  3. from experience I agree with Tu-Na - quilt it first then trim - the last time I didn't I had some stretching going on or at least sewing a line all the way around the quilt before you cut - maybe you do that too?

  4. just re-read part of your post and see that you were thinking of doing that - it is amazing how much we learn as we quilt from previous quilts that we have made.

  5. Congrats on a fun and pretty finish.

  6. Such a loving and genrous gift! How many graduates does your church have each year, Beth?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love the quilt and the Momma memories included! If you decide you want to trim first, you could draw a line with your ruler about 1/2'' away from the points and then stitch on the line all the way around the quilt as a stabilizing stitch for those bias edges. I'd use a long stitch length, then trim next to the stitched line. :)

  9. Great solution! And, you are making lots of progress. How many graduation quilts do you make each year on average?

  10. I'll echoing the others - definitely quilt first, then trim! It's very pretty and the blue looks great against the four patches!

  11. I love the blue around this! I always overcut my setting triangles and trim after quilting. I learned the hard way and always suggest that to people. I can't wait to see this quilted and bound. It's going to be even more beautiful!

  12. What a great idea, using rectangles for the on point setting! I actually really like how it looks right now, with the zigzag border. Fussier to bind for sure, but I wouldn’t trim those points off at all!

  13. Beautiful quilt and lots of four patches and just plain lots of patches.

  14. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.



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