
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Monday Making

I FINALLY finished this baby sweater.
(surprise baby jacket by E. Zimmerman)

So many NEW twists and turns for me.

I'm sure it would be easy for a seasoned knitter.
That's. not. me.

The seams are sewn.
The buttons are ON!!
the COLD weather is here!!!

What are YOU making this week??

I really hope I can spend time in my sewing room!
The scrap basket is calling my name!!

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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Monday Making

At the end of a busy day 
I enjoy sitting down and working on something.
Recently THIS is what it's been.

Lots of pretty yarn
and rows and rows of crochet stitching!!

I do NOT need another afghan.
I DO NEED this calm and peaceful project
at the end of my DAY!!!

This afghan is made with the spike stitch.
A very simple stitch
that makes a simple afghan INTERESTING!

Now it's YOUR turn!!!

What are YOU making this week??

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Monday Making

This week I'm going to do a little MINDLESS sewing.
I picked up a few Charity quilt kits from my guild this week
and look forward to doing some sewing WITHOUT thinking.

There is a quilt to add quilting lines  and binding to.

There were these squares that just needed to be sewn together!

Looks like I need to move an orange square or two
over to the left!!!
Photos always help me SEE the quilt a little bit better.
At least I got all the lines going the right way!!!

And then there are some strips to sew and cut.

Someone ELSE made all the fabric and pattern decisions.
All I have to do is SEW!!
 that's JUST what I need this week.

What are you doing?
It's time for a MONDAY MAKING party again!

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Friday, November 11, 2016


It was so nice to fit a little sewing project this week!

Days and weeks FLY BY, don't they?

This little finish ended up in my niece's hands
when I realized she needed a little something
to WARM her first apartment!!

It's sure a GOOD thing I started those
"Christmas" gifts EARLY!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Monday Making

This week...
I hope to make headway on a little Christmas sewing.
I LOVE practical gifts
and..... Potholders NEVER go out of style.

PLUS we ALL know...
there are PLENTY of SCRAPS to choose from!!!

This one just needs some binding.

I've also been doing a little knitting.
It ALL began with that ball of yarn from the thrift store.
"What could I make from it??"

I spent some time with Elizabeth during my coffee break....

Now...I'm spending time with Lorilee on youtube.
I'm still trying to figure it out.
Getting my BRAIN cells some exercise I guess.
It's called the baby surprise jacket.

I've also been making MEMORIES.

Here he is. My fourth child.
My first foster child.
My adopted son.
A college senior ALREADY!!!!

Yesterday he was a wiggly little redhead
with TOO much energy!!!!
Today he's on the brink of adulthood.
(poor thing....LOL!)

We were able to make it to the last home game
and the seniors were recognized.
A proud Mama moment for sure!

O.K. Friends.
What are YOU making this week???

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