
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Monday Making

This week I'm going to do a little MINDLESS sewing.
I picked up a few Charity quilt kits from my guild this week
and look forward to doing some sewing WITHOUT thinking.

There is a quilt to add quilting lines  and binding to.

There were these squares that just needed to be sewn together!

Looks like I need to move an orange square or two
over to the left!!!
Photos always help me SEE the quilt a little bit better.
At least I got all the lines going the right way!!!

And then there are some strips to sew and cut.

Someone ELSE made all the fabric and pattern decisions.
All I have to do is SEW!!
 that's JUST what I need this week.

What are you doing?
It's time for a MONDAY MAKING party again!

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  1. I really like the colors of the squares together.

  2. Enjoy your mindless sewing. It's a good way to cleanse your sewing palette before deciding on your next projects.

  3. I wish our guild would do charity quilts that way, I would love to just add to the project, instead of start to finish.

  4. Mindless sewing can be so relaxing! I like the squares where they are... no need to move them around.


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