
Monday, September 30, 2013


These cute little 5" squares were REJECTED.
NOT because I don't like them.
I DO like them!

They looked good to me when mixed in with
the rest of the squares I used.....

But when I began piecing them in here...
It only took a few little rips
and a little more cutting to find a nice SOFT alternative.
I KNOW they will eventually find a good home in a quilt.
Just. not this one.
It's a good thing I slept on it!
Sometimes I RUSH ahead and sew everything in
BEFORE I find out my MISTAKE.
This quilt is for a brand new baby.
I'm sure you can GUESS I already have a couple of baby quilts
All READY to be quilted!!!
I like to sew and think about the new baby.
The new mommy and daddy.
I like to say a prayer as I go......

Raising children takes LOTS of that!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Traveling with yarn

I'm in SHOCK!
I was able to accomplish a few rows of
RESPECTABLE crotchet stitching!
ALL thanks go to Youtube
and a VERY LONG drive!!!
I'm pretty proud of my afghan "in progress"!
I'm using yarn given to me last year.
My husband actually told me to
when a relative was giving her unused yarn away!!!
My jaw dropped...
So my afghan is FREE!

We traveled to Northern California
to help get these two settled in Lakeport.
Did you know Lakeport has a QUILT TRAIL???
I'm wondering HOW my son-in-law KNEW
that taking my daughter to a community that LOVES quilting
would earn him a MILLION points in my book???!!!
And HOW in world he landed a JOB
in that exact place???

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Backing it up

Isn't this fabric PERFECTO?
It's just RIGHT for the backing of my recent charity quilt.
(made with orphan blocks from other quilters)

It's not fabric you can buy at the fabric shop.
It's the kind of fabric you gather when scouring second hand shops.
It was a duvet cover in its former life...
so there's LOTS more of this FUN fabric
for the NEXT quilt!

The binding is ON
and I'm going to take it to my next guild meeting!
Linking up with Katie

Monday, September 23, 2013

Last day

Today is the last day
of our little sewing museum linky party.
I was surprised that so many of you
posted about old machines!

Goes to show how MUCH we love them...right?
I have a few old pieces of fabric.
Vintage towels.

and napkins.
These older pieces of fabric intrigue me.

This is a super old "SNIPPET" of a quilt.

I can open it up and see the blue foundation fabric
and the OLD batting!
These are pieces of TIME past
that I can TOUCH!

This is SUPER OLD.
Wish I knew more about old fabric!

It's THIN...thin...thin....

Another piece that was in the same package.
I purchased these at a thrift store a while back.
They have holes.
They're useless.
BUT to me they are
Wish I could hear their story!!!
Thanks for linking up
and adding your treasures
to our little

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Working backwards

I pulled out some squares today.
4 1/2" squares.
I feel FALL coming on
and the colors reflect the season.
Gotta love all those
golden and rusty red colors!
I began sewing squares together
and THEN began looking for a big orphan square.....
Something to be the CENTER piece of this quilt.
(Kind of like this.)
I know that's a BACKWARDS way of working.....
that's me.
I didn't find EXACTLY what I had in mind.

I found something BETTER!!
A little group of log cabins
sewn together in a random fashion.

I just LOVE the way this orphan fits IN!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Old patterns

I was given some old patterns just yesterday.
They're not SUPER old.
Or maybe that IS old???
The older I get
the harder it is to FIGURE that one out!

The cute blue background fabric was also included.
It's light weight corduroy.
I LOVE it.
I'm inspired to make that first little nightgown
for my daughter.
Will I do it???
So many projects in my DREAMS!!!
The sewing museum linky is still going strong!
Link up if you have something OLD to share.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I've perfected my crotchet stitch on dishcloths.
I have enough dishcloths
in EVERY color
to last me a LONG time!
I decided to SPREAD my "wings"
and tackle something a BIT more challenging.

Tutorial here.
I've watched the video instructions OVER and over...
I think I've got it!!!
Sigh of relief!
Thanks to everyone linking up for our MUSEUM.
When we've got ALL the links.....
I'll add our little collaborative musuem to a page on my blog
and keep it permanent.
Sewing museum HERE
dates: sept. 16-23
Join us!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sewing Musuem Linky Party

I have lots of old spools.
I keep them in a BIG plastic jar.
Some are empty.
Some are not.
Most of them belong in a museum!!!
What do YOU have?
This is the week to SHARE about it!
Link up.
Let us know what YOU have that belongs in a MUSEUM.
Write your post.
Add your link to the list!
Tell your friends!
You have ALL week LONG!
Sept. 16-23

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sewing Museum - NEXT week!

I hope you'll join us NEXT week!!!
I'm hosting a
linky party
ALL week long!
Spread the word.
We want to see LOTS
of OLD sewing things!!!
What do YOU have
that BELONGS in a musuem????

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This and that

This quilt top is put together with bits and pieces.
This and That.
Colorful squares.
Happy stars.
Flying Geese!
Lots of RANDOM orphan blocks.
I'll quilt it simply and send it OFF!!
This is the kind of quilt
that gives me peaceful thoughts
when the world is CRAZY!
Family life has been BUZZING over here.
I was happy to have a few orphans
to put together.
They kept my mind OFF of the "busy"
and ON to "thinking of OTHERS".
You know what?
In the daylight...
I'm not so SURE about this quilt.
IT's not a real COHESIVE bunch of blocks.
It's done.
All those happy squares are together.
out of it!!!
Here's some of the busy at my house!!!

Soccer Season just begun
Dad is COACH.
See that loving look she gives him?
So sweet.

Nothing like a birthday to make ME feel older!!
It's not even MINE!!!
My third child turned 23!!
She was 2 just yesterday.

And granddaughter is almost 2!!!!
Aye yi yi!!!
(How do you spell that???)

Almost everyone made it to the birthday brunch.

These two are MOVING north
in TWO weeks!
Kids are BUSY.
Kids are growing UP!
They're flying away.....
They're making PLANS!
That scrappy quilt gave me
the SEWING THERAPY I need!!!
Hope it gives a young one
the COMFORT they NEED!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Museum Monday

When I read this post...
I knew I had to share about MY museum pieces.
Do YOU have a MINI museum
in YOUR sewing room???
I bet many of YOU have OLD sewing things.
Things that aren't being used..
but CAN'T be thrown out!!!

Old spools of thread.

These little needle packages have been around a long time.

So have these.

All these little items fit into ONE glass jar
on my shelf.

It is MY mini sewing museum.
If you have a museum at YOUR house....
link up with me next Monday!
Share about the one, two
or MANY things
that belong in a MUSEUM!!!
We'll have a Linky party
ALL ABOUT OLD sewing things.
I'd LOVE to see what you have!
We'd ALL love to take a little tour.
Post about it in the coming week or two.
I'll set up a linky party next Monday!!!
See you there!

Friday, September 6, 2013


One lovely orphan block found a home.
A nice quilty HOME.
It feels loved...
embraced by a whole bunch of friendly squares.

This one turned out so lovely.
I'm happy I had that center orphan square
(someone else's)
to get my creative juices going!
The scrappy squares around the outside
 just MAKE this one
SO fun!!!
It measures a healthy 58"x58".
Just the right size for a large throw.
I imagine I'll add a navy blue binding to TIE it all together.
I also think I'll have fun stitch doodling
in all that light blue around the outside!!!

Speaking of stitch doodling.
You can do it on PAPER!!!
while sewing with friends...
my friend made this!!!
The beginning of a card.
She's ALL set....
READY for the next wedding!!!
Just needs the last name!
I love this idea.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Healthcare *** Homemade

I KNEW there was a reason I held on to the

The LOWLY chux.......
(Waterproof chux were not required this time.)

I had enough of an old mattress pad to make
FOUR good sized chux
and TWO more to go!
Isn't it NICE to be able to save a few dollars...
make something HUMBLE a little bit nicer....
SHARE with those in need!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Solo Swooning

I needed some THERAPY sewing after
the WHIRLWIND of the last few days!
busy. busy. busy!!!
It was a GOOD busy.
ONE of the things I did was meet up with a blog friend!
What fun!
Guess what?
Mary is JUST as fun and sweet
as she is on her blog.
We could have talked a LOT longer than we did!
We're just going to have to do it AGAIN!!!
This is a nice BIG orphan block.
You'll all recognize it as a SWOON block.
I didn't want to make any more swoons...

I made some twosies...

and some foursies....

and began WORKING around that lovely swoon!!!
Not sure how many times I'll go around!!!
I sure like what I'm seeing SO FAR!
The quilter who gave me this orphan block
 was working with a 3 1/2" grid.
So........I'm working with 3 1/2" squares
and a colorful 3 1/2" wide border!!!
I don't even have to do any MATH!!!
Just the right kind of quilt for me!!!
I'm hoping to donate this one
to a great quilt gathering going on over at
It's always good to have a goal.