
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Monday Making

At my house there are graduation quilts to be made.
This is my most recent and hopefully 
the last of  FOUR graduation quilts I'm making this year.

I LOVE giving these to the high school graduates at my church.
At my house there is also a lot of GREEN!!!

Lots of garden produce that needs a PLAN.
A MEAL plan!

Wish me luck!

This big ol' cabbage found a home in Yakisoba
(recipe found in an old cookbook of mine-
and a nice big bowl of coleslaw!

I'm using all this green in our meals.
I sneak in Spinach, kale, chard, celery, lettuce etc...
into every meal.

I'm convinced all this green is keeping us healthy.

O.K. friends
What are YOU making this week???

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  1. Ooh, your garden looks beautiful! We hope to get ours planted in the next few weeks. Great graduation quilt too!

  2. Lots of good for you green leafy stuff. Not so much of that around here yet. Good luck finishing off the last of your graduation quilts.

  3. love all your green, a little too early in the season for us

  4. Great graduation quilt! I'm envious of your green garden. We had sleet here yesterday, so no garden produce here for awhile.

  5. Love your quilt! And your garden!

  6. The solid bricks are terrific. So is your garden!

  7. Your garden looks fantastic and delicious!!! I've got that recipe book too back from when the kids were little and money was tight and I was all about eating healthy. You are ambitious to make quilts for all your church's graduating seniors. Do you have help wit them?

  8. Love your quilt! The solid fabrics just make it pop!

  9. What a wonderful gift to make for the grads, something they can take to college.


  10. Your quilt is fun to look at! Four graduation quilts! Wowsers! Your garden is so pretty! I'm hoping to add lettuce to my garden! Thank you for the great link up!

  11. My husband and I have been enjoying eating lots of "green stuff" lately when we eat out, and I've been looking for a cookbook with recipes so I can make things like that at home. You know, stuff with names like "power bowl" or "grain bowl" and it will have spinach, kale, quinoa, chickpeas, beets, brussels sprouts... All kinds of veggies, and maybe a protein to top it off or maybe not. This eating feels good to us, too. So if you find some good recipes that don't take hours and hours of prep time, please share them with us!

  12. love all your green, a little too early in the season for us


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