
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Monday Making - buckeye beauty

I made a new little table mat this week.
Simple and sweet.
I used the same block ....
Moved it around a bit.....
Used scraps!


Here’s the old quilt that inspired my whole sewing week!!

The garden is producing it’s winter goodness.

And here is a favorite quick little quilt from my sewing work this week.
Love all those calicos!!!

What are YOU making??

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Sunday, January 23, 2022

monday making

This week I was finally able to complete a quilt
that has been on my TO DO list for quite a while.

My son requested a HEAVY quilt to replace an older one.
(I have made quite a few quilts for this boy!)  😉 

I made this quilt using a blanket for batting
and I "tied" it using my machine.

All the details are HERE on my youtube channel.

Now.....All I need to do it mail it off!!

I also made a simple phone bag for my mom.

It was FAMILY WEEK in my sewing room.

What are YOU making this week??


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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Monday making

I think this little box is one of favorite makes this week.

I took some scraps and some modge podge
And covered a simple cardboard tray.
Basically a throw away item from the grocery or plant nursery.

I also learned from comments on Youtube
That you can thin the modge podge and you can also use elmers glue.

I have been using it to travel around the house with my knitting.

This little beanie was also a favorite “make”!

My grandson NEEDED a beanie for his stuffed animal.
It was a trick to get it to the right size....but I finally found the
Magic number of stitches to cast on
I used up two little balls of leftover yarn.

I am so pleased with this little project.

I added 2 simple borders to a quilt.

Using up the leftovers makes me very satisfied!
I definitely have the THRIFTY gene from somewhere.

what have YOU been making??

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Sunday, January 9, 2022

monday making - busy sewing room

I have been busy in the sewing room!

This "robbing Peter to pay Paul" quilt block turned out so pretty.
I added another border (not shown) to make a table mat.

I am up to FOUR table mats for my yearly retreat.
I typically make a dozen table mats that are auctioned off.

Here's another table mat I made this week using.....

leftovers from THIS quilt!

This blue quilt was made to see the difference between
1 1/2" and 2 1/2"!

What a difference ONE INCH makes!

The green and gold here is 20" ...
and the blue quilt is 40" square.

What are YOU making this week??

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Sunday, January 2, 2022

monday making - welcoming 2022

2022 is HERE!

I enjoyed the holidays with all the littles.
So many children to make FOR and WITH!

My oldest granddaughter and I made little pillows this week.
So fun!
Sorry....I was too busy to document!

I was happy to see a little sweater I had made IN USE!
That made Grandma extra happy!

During the busyness of the holidays I did a little cross stitch.
What a rabbit hole THAT is!
I watched cross stitch videos, dusted off my cross stitch books 
and began finishing a sampler started by a dear friend.
This is just a very tiny Christmas tree using one of my older books.

I also did some SIMPLE quilting.
First in these warm colors and then.....

I had to do a little green and red for the season!

What are YOU making??

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