
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Monday Making

Which do you prefer?

The modern multi color....
The classic red and white??

I tend to switch my likes.
😊's GIVE me ALL the color!!

These little coasters were so fun to put together.

Isn't it wonderful that quilting is so practical??

There are so many things to make!
What are YOU making???

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  1. Both! I like both of those choices. Yep -- practical is nice. But I keep piling up quilt after quilt so, evidently I like to make quilts a lot!

  2. I think they both are awesome, Beth. I do the same thing and go back and forth on which I like the best on my projects. Lol. Thank you for hosting Monday Making. Looking forward to participating more in 2021. Happy quilting .

  3. Both are lovely, but my very favorite is the modern multi color ;)) Bright and beautiful! But nice to change depending of your mood!

  4. Normally my preference is 2 colored projects but today I'm going with the multicolors. Happy stitching!

  5. I prefer the red/white ones...but then...oh, it's not an easy choice as they are both so pretty...nice work hugs, Julierose;)))

  6. I like the red & white but those multi-colours are calling my name today.
    Wishing you a Happy & Healthy NEW YEAR 2021 from England :)

  7. The red and white one is my favorite, those two colors together are just so crisp. It's one of my favorite color combos. But the multicolor ones are fun too. Happy stitching and happy new year!

  8. Those coasters are so cute - in all the colourways!

  9. I am partial to the red and white. They are super cute with the mug.

  10. I love the multicolour one, but the red and white is perfect for this time of year!


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