
Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Making

A new pincushion is in my sewing room.
It's adding summer to my space!

This snowball 9 patch i made a while back
is SOOooo ready to be quilted.
I have been dragging me feet because
I want to HAND quilt it.

Maybe this week I'll get the quilt sandwiched up
and I can BEGIN!!!

The garden is giving us a harvest!!! 
This was last night's salad
with strawberries on the side.....
and these are the onions drying out.

My husband's garden keeps me busy
and well fed!

What are YOU making?

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but the comments have not been arriving there!
If anyone has any tips...please let me know.
I would love to reply to you!

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  1. The solid fabrics for your snowball quilt are really snappy! The lettuce and beans are doing the best in our garden. (We went from the wettest May on record to only 48% of normal June rain fall so far.)

  2. Nice to have fresh veggies. I miss green beans the most since we no longer have a garden. We were tired of the almost 4 acres -- too much work to keep up all the grass. Now we have a small postage stamp size lot! Maybe next year I'll try a potted tomato. Your little snowballs really call to me. Have fun hand quilting them.

  3. That snowball in 9 patch solids is so wowzer! Your garden pick is great! I'm with Bonnie--we just have 2 potted tomato plants, plus rhubarb.

  4. What a good picture of you! I can't tell you how much I love getting to your blog on Mondays! Thanks so much for having the linky party. I am jealous of your produce. It is not even close to that here in Wisconsin.

  5. I miss a small garden, but the growing season and the ground just makes it too challenging. And I just learned that the local farmer's market has been cancelled for the summer. :'( I think I need to contact some of the local vendors and make some purchases.

  6. Cute pincushion! And I'm just a touch envious of your garden harvest. We won't be to that stage of our gardening yet for a few months.

  7. Envious of your fresh veggies! Enjoy! And I love snowball quilts too.

  8. Lovin' your pincushion, and all that lovely produce! Good job!


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