This has been a week of finishes.
I wonder what the coming week holds??
Will I pull out some more UFOs???
Or BEGIN another quilt???
The T-shirt bag above is made with my daughter's
outgrown shirts.
I love the graphics on this one and didn't want to give it away.
Making a little tote bag was the perfect solution.
It was also great that I had that cute zigzag shirt
for the lining in the pile of TOO SMALL shirts.
It's the perfect compliment to the outside.
If you're interested the Pattern is HERE.
I finished this vest for the newest baby.
I used this pattern and made it my OWN
by adding some ribbing to the shoulders.
This little guy has a new outfit.
I've had the little vest hanging around.
I made it last year....but didn't like the funky size...
My granddaughter's little stuffed friend, Corduroy, has a new "LOOK".
The vegetables keep coming.
So I keep cooking.
what are YOU making this week???
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