
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday Making

I was able to finish a quilt top this week!!

Happy DANCE!!!

My mom helped me make the four patches so it is
an EXTRA special quilt for sure!!!

It is one of the graduation quilts for the
seniors at my church.
My yearly QUILTY project is to give a quilt
to every graduating high school senior!

I will quilt it later...
so I left those edges AS IS.

The blocks were sewn together "on POINT"
Or - diagonally....
so I added a rectangle at the end of each row
and will trim the triangle points OFF later.

The reason, some of you know already,
Is that they will be BIAS edges when trimmed
and bias edges are VERY persnickety!

They like to bend and wobble.
Wobble and STRETCH!

I might be folding and unfolding this one
a few times before I get around to quilting it
I want to trim the edges later.
I might even quilt it BEFORE trimming.
That way I'll be SURE to keep the edge from getting distorted!

I COULD have added blue triangles all the way around.

But I didn't.

It was so much simpler (for me)
to cut rectangles and sew them on.
The fabric was not expensive.....
SO i'm not too worried about waste.
(the blue cotton is a VERY nice used cotton sheet!!)
I felt very THRIFTY as I pieced this one together!!!

I have so many other quilt projects to work on in my sewing room!
Not sure WHAT I'll pull out next.
What are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Monday Making

My knitting is taking a back seat this week
as I try to get some more hand quilting into

SOMEDAY it will be a finished quilt...
but it's hard to imagine WHEN that someday will be!

If I leave this quilt out and HANDY.....
I'm more likely to add stitching.

What are YOU making this week??

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Friday, January 19, 2018

Quilt crossings

This quilt just returned home  
from a traveling exhibit

I'm happy to now hang her up in MY house!

It is very minimalist and contains
LOTS of recycled even some "ancient" fabrics.
I say ancient because the OLD old muslins
I included are stained and probably
100 years old.

I LOVED adding that element to this quilt!

The old fabric gives this quilt a quality
that Joanns just couldn't.

The hand quilting adds so much TEXTURE!

Hand quilting.
Old fabric.
Piecing scraps together.

Just SOME of the reasons I LOVE to quilt!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Monday Making

It's time for a Monday Making party!

What are you making this week??
I have been working on this afghan for a while now.

I had DREAMS of finishing before Christmas....
but that didn't happen.
That's o.k.
It's progressing. Slowly!

I want this to get REALLY big!
That means...
it's a LONG term project.

The unfinished afghan AND the yarn are housed in a basket
Near the kitchen.
I pull it over to a chair and work as I listen to
people talk at the table.
It's a little busy work. NO thinking.

Now it's your turn.
Thanks to everyone who links up
and makes this a FUN Monday get-together!

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Weaving towels

Santa brought me a larger rigid heddle loom this year...
so I tested it out with some cotton yarn.


I made some kitchen towels
that I'm afraid to USE!!

They're so pretty...I don't want to mess them up.

I"ll probably give them away and let someone ELSE
break them in!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Four patch Monday Making

Last week I was making four patches
I'm still AT IT!
This time with masculine colors.
(They're all spread out on the floor now
so I can admire them)

I'm finding that the BOY colors are running
low in my 3" square scrap drawer.

I will probably have to cut some up!
Can you believe it?

I have a GIRL quilt going (almost done)
and the BOY quilt just got started.

(Both quilts will be given away in June
to graduating high school seniors at my church)

My mom is visiting so I pulled out the scraps
and had her sewing with me.
I have at least ONE more machine
if you want to join us!
The easiest thing to do was to enlist her in 4 patch making....
you know what???

We might just have to BRANCH out!!

I'm dreaming about beginning
at least ONE more quilt before she leaves!!!

Link up and share what YOU'RE Making!
Are you making your house guests sew too???

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Saturday, January 6, 2018


I finished this quilt right before Christmas.
When the holiday decorations came down...
this one went UP on the wall.
It's smallish (36"x 36") and I am enjoying the sparkle it's giving my entry.
I entered this one into quiltcon...but it was a reject.
ah well.
I love it!

This quilt is made JUST with scraps and recycled garments.
The BEST kind of quilt!

I hand quilted it, so I've spent LOTS of time with this one.

Every quilt I hand quilt is another step towards 