
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Monday Making

It seems to be "finishing time"
at my house!
Lots of finishes in a short amount of time.
I began this little vest a few months ago
and FINALLY got up the nerve to stitch it together
and add that ribbing!!
It's the type of knitting, for me, that takes some quiet
and concentration!

I found that fun multi colored yarn (one ball)
and knew I wanted to make something for baby or toddler.
This vest pattern worked out great!

The pattern uses a fair isle pattern I did NOT follow
since my yarn had multi colors
*blue cotton yarn (from my stash) for the ribbing
and...since I didn't have enough yarn for the whole thing...
*Autumn Wind lotus yarn for the back.

what are YOU making this week??

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday Finish

It's Friday...

I was able to get this great quilt top together for another
high school senior.

I LOVE this one and will be sad to give it away.

Working on it was just the therapy I needed this week.

I had to say goodbye to these little feet.
This little one was with us for 15 months.

Foster parenting usually involves a goodbye.
Thankful for family and friends who've been praying
and a God who has been with us through it all.

All the creative activities also really help me
as I get used to days without a baby.

I've said goodbye before and know that it's
SUPER hard in the beginning and gets easier as time goes on.

There is a GREAT need for foster parents!
I hope the "saying goodbye" part doesn't deter anyone from 
a wonderful way to REACH out and LOVE children.

Enough about NON-quilty stuff.
I'm going to go back and get that quilt finished up!!!
MENTAL I come!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Monday Making

This week I managed to finish this toddler sized sweater.
Weaving the ends in 
and putting all the parts together took some DOING!

and deleted the pockets.

This week I hope to add some buttons.
I dream of BROWN buttons...
Wouldn't you know I have every OTHER color???
(the buttons shown are just laying on top there for the photo shoot)

What are YOU making this week???

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Friday, April 21, 2017

Scraps on Friday

I have a fun finish today.

Thankfully I had a quilt top ALMOST ready
when I found out I needed a couple more
I have just a FEW quilt tops.
Cough cough...sputter sputter.....

This one only needed to be STRETCHED out a little.
JUST......a little bit LONGER!


I've had the quilt top about 6 years!
I think it was TIME to finish

I love scrappy quilts
Don't you???

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Monday Making

I had to put my "H" quilt aside for awhile.
Seems it's baby season in my neck of the woods!

This little quilt came together pretty quickly.

I tried to use it ALL up..
hence the little strips on the side!
;) find or MAKE a backing.
I'm trying NOT to shop for fabric.
Wish me luck.

what are YOU making this week??

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Friday, April 14, 2017

Baby Quilt

I have quite a number of quilt TOPS in my stash.
I am SO thankful they're there!

When I'm pressed for time
and a baby quilt is needed....

ALL I have to do is
FIND a backing,
quilt it,
Bind it,
(First I have to find some binding!)
and finally....
label it.

Emphasis on ALL.

I DO like this quilt I made a while back using orphan blocks
and a really CUTE panel that I found in the remnant section.

Hooray for FINISHES!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Monday Making

What are YOU making this week??

I just finished another crocheted baby blanket
using a bunch of vintage yarn....
along with lots of little pieces of springy COLOR!!

I am going to try and NOT MAKE another one for a while.

I NOW have plenty of little blankets to give away.
It'll be hard.
I DO Love the back and forth
rhythm of simple crochet and knit blankets.

Link up and share about your creative pursuits this week!

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Friday, April 7, 2017

Parade of Small Quilts

These are the 10 table mats/small quilts
that will be auctioned off this weekend
at a ladies retreat.
I've shared about them as I worked on them 
these past few weeks and months.
Here they are ALL TOGETHER!!!

I had LOTS of fun making them!
I enjoyed having a finished "quilt" 
in a shorter amount of TIME!!

I used ONLY fabric I already owned..
and tried to include a few seasonal choices.

Which one is YOUR favorite??
I think I like the heart one BEST.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Monday Making

8 MORE little "H" blocks
and I can begin JOINING them into rows!!!

Hooray Hooray!!

Then....of course...
I'll have to add a border and WHO KNOWS
what that's going to be!
LOTS to dream about.

Today I sat down and did some trimming.
I wanted to be sure the blocks were all 3 1/2".
I was SO surprised to be SO close on most of them!!

It made me think/HOPE I'm improving 
on that 1/4" seam THING!!!

I've also been trying to use UP some vintage yarn
that was passed down to me.

It's a mindless activity I enjoy.
since I need AT LEAST 3 projects going at ONCE....

I began this toddler sweater.

How many projects do YOU need to have going AT ONCE??

Link up and share about you're making this week!

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