
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What they don't tell you

They don't tell you when you begin quilting about the HARD stuff.

One of the hardest things for me is cutting up the fabric.
Making that FIRST cut.......

This time it involved cutting an old bathing costume/suit.

an old dress.

When people know you quilt...
They ask you do HARD things for them like cutting up OLD clothes!!
It's not hard TALKING about it!
IT's hard DOING IT!!!

I sometimes even have trouble cutting precious NEW fabric.

It was especially troubling after my daughter
tried on
that old bathing suit.
Bloomers, cap and all!!!!

I've tried to give myself PEP talks:
"It's o.k. Beth.
No one will ever wear this again."
the pep talks didn't work.

I had to cut it up and FELT terrible afterwards.

Can't wait until I'm all done with this project for my friend.
I know she'll LOVE it...
and that's what I'm trying to focus on!!!

It will be SOoooo nice when I don't have any more
BAD dreams
about being IN TROUBLE
cutting Grandma's DRESS!!!!!


  1. Oh just think how Grandma is going to be hugging your friend every day now!

  2. Oh, I can relate. I break into a sweat cutting up old stuff for rags! LOL!

  3. It would break my heart too, if I had to cut up one of those cool looking vintage swimsuits! Just the cutest thing! However, your quilt is going to be wonderful.

  4. Your daughter looks adorable in the suit!

  5. Oh Beth, she IS Aaaadorable!! :) And so is the quilt... hugs

  6. Lol, I can so relate. Your dd looks wonderful in that suit....but somehow I think the quilt might get more use and enjoyment now. :0) Take a few deep breaths......

  7. Is that really an old bathing suit or was it made as a costume?
    It is so adorable on your daughter and just the way I want my daughter dressed at the beach! but look at that sweet quilt....irresistible.
    I have new fabric that I confess....I can NOT cut.....maybe one day :0).

    Happy Sewing

  8. I can feel your pain. And it will probably be enjoyed a lot more as a quilt. What a nice thing to do for your friend, turning those precious fabric and memories into a pretty quilt.
    ; )

  9. I love how it turned out. Hope you sleep better now. Hugs

  10. It looks really great! And it will be used this way. I always tell myself that this is what they used to do--cut up old clothes to make quilts. So we're just following tradition. Besides, you'll always have the photo.

  11. despite how adorable your daughter looks in that vintage suit...i know i would have panic attacks about cutting it up!

    i have always seen these adorable quilts made of sweet baby clothes and while i think the idea is amazing the actual cutting it up is something i can not bring myself to do

  12. It was your friend's bathing suit? And she's the one who decided to cut it up? No guilt needed, because it was her choice.

    It it'd been MY bathing suit, though, it would've stayed in one piece.

  13. Oh Beth! I do not think I could have done it!!!!!!!!!!! The only comfort would be that the material got used, but that was a true piece of history~ At least you got pictures of it~ Get a black and white or sepic (?) copy of the picture of your daughter, and frame it! That make up for cutting it up~ :) ♥♥♥


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