
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Monday Making

It's been a BUSY week here!!

I visited my small quilt at the road to California
Quilt show.

Added LOTS of half square triangles to my
Hospital sketches quilt!

After that....
I made plans for Graduation quilt SEWING DAY!
To be held next month.

Everyone who comes will make the 16 patch block.

If you SEW, then you know that not ALL the 16 patches will be EQUAL.
Especially since many who come don't sew very often.

I thought by adding the corner triangles
I will be able to get them ALL uniform in size.
And no one will have to stress about making their's PERFECT!

It will be FUN way to get the quilts made as a group!

I also uploaded a new HOW TO on youtube.
Always challenging...and a bit scary....
but always FUN.

This week I hope to clean up the MESS all of that activity created.

What are YOU making this week?

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  1. I love to see a creative mess!! It means there is lots going on!

  2. Oh those are such great projects - i like the 16 patch one and the idea of corners!

  3. So many things going on! Good luck on all your projects and I'm sure it goes without saying...have fun!

  4. All great projects. Your applique quilt turned out lovely. As for a mess, let me tell you about mine. Mostly I paper piece so there are a lot of papers on my floor, I have the fabric dust from cutting table, fabrics strewn about, my box from Island Batik in the middle of my floor and my work table is covered. The only thing I have managed to clean is my machine. I had finished 2 projects and was going to clean my space then I broke my toe. The Dr says I should still not be up and about yet so I continue to sew and add to the mess. Its very overwhelming.

  5. But you've made some beautiful quilts from all that mess!

  6. Love your small vegetable quilt and the HST on your Hospital Sketches. Thanks for all you share

  7. Love your Hospital Sketches quilt top. Your red and green blocks are lots of fun too. Hope you got in lots of stitching time this week.

  8. Quilting is a great hobby and it is time consuming. I had a great time going through all the patterns. It is creative and I loved the block prints. The one with veggies is also superb. You actually have a load of collections and it is nice getting ideas from them.

  9. I love creating quilts. I was able to get lot of ideas through your blog. I am so happy that I came across your blog. I would definitely share your ideas to my colleagues.


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