
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Monday Making

This week I caught up on my 
"Hospital Sketches" quilt along.

I am enjoying this challenging (for me)
quilt along.
I began it on a WHIM and realized afterwards
That I did not have enough background fabric...
The cream squares will all be a bit different.

I am enjoying pulling the fabrics,
making design choices
sewing it all down.

It is amazing to see all the different quilts that are being 
made using this pattern.
SO fun!!!
 Thank you Barbara.

I also had the kids help me get our garden
This will help us all when trying to remember what was planted WHERE.

What are YOU  making this week??

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  1. Your Hospital Sketches blocks are simply beautiful! I think varied background fabrics are a great way to go and add interest to the quilt.

  2. Love your quilt and the garden rocks too.

  3. Lovely how this one is coming along--beautiful applique work...hugs, Julierose

  4. Pretty blocks, and with different backgrounds it will add more interest!

  5. Beautiful blocks! They have a vintage vibe going. Good luck with the stitching and the gardening.

  6. Your blocks are so great. So good idea with the beautifully painted stones for the herb garden. It is fun with activities with the children.

  7. Your blocks are beautiful and I adore those garden rocks! I need to do that, instead of the sticks I stick in my garden. Great idea!

  8. Your blocks are great! But this posts highlight are the rocks!! So pretty and bright. What a great way to get kids interested in gardening and it would make for a beautiful garden addition too!

  9. So pretty, I've enjoyed watching this come together.

  10. Beth, you are one amazing woman. I forget that you still have little ones at home! The rock painting to label garden plants is a wonderful craft to do together. I wish I'd made time for more of those projects when my kids were young enough to be interested in doing them. Now that my sons are 15 and 18 they just aren't as enthusiastic when mom pulls out the art supplies... ;-)

    I'm curious about why your beautiful applique project is called Hospital Sketches, and I'm wondering whether WHIM is a new acronym in the quilt world that I haven't heard yet or if you were just using caps for emphasis. This is all part of being middle aged now, I guess -- paranoia about whether I'm still "hip and with it" or if I've been left behind! As for the background fabrics -- a similar thing happened to me with one of my applique WIPs, the one I've been calling Frankenwhiggish Rose. I initially was doing just one block to teach myself needleturn applique techniques, but then I liked it and decided to make 9 identical blocks but I couldn't find any more background fabric. So I did like you, and selected several different backgrounds to mix up in the project as though I'd always meant to do it that way.

  11. Beautiful applique blocks. I love the plant labels. I might have to find some rocks and get my herb garden "organized". My grandkids don't think crafty things like that are fun anymore but I do!

  12. Wonderful looking blocks. The changes in background will only add depth to your quilt!:)

  13. Your Hospital Sketches blocks are beautiful!


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