
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Monday Making

Using the tiniest scraps...
I am  making some courthouse steps blocks.
The strips are all ABOUT 1" 
Some smaller.
Some larger.

I begin with a teeny tiny RED center.
I add scrappy strips.
Dark and light.

AS you can see they are all a bit different in size.

That's the beauty of scrap quilting MY WAY.

I sew and sew.
I DO NOT take time to measure.
I line them up in rows that are ABOUT the same width.

When I get close to the end...
I will do some trimming.
or adding.
Whatever is needed.

I love the ADVENTURE of it all.
I also enjoy the peaceful SEWING time.

IT is a NO STRESS kind of piecing adventure.

While I am sewing
the garden is GROWING by LEAPS and bounds!!!

The zucchini is, of course, included in almost every meal.

And when we've had enough...
I'll give some to the neighbors!!
What are YOU making this week?

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Monday Making

I am SO close to finishing all the applique blocks
for my Sally Post Floral quilt.
The pattern is from sentimental stitches.

I LOVE the variety of flowers and the colors in this soon to be quilt!!
It is not a fussy quilt.
I am cutting sort of free form
and placing the pieces in a way that suits me.....
Using the pattern a guide.

It has been hard to keep my mind on household things
as I try to get JUST ANOTHER STITCH in!!

there were lots of cabbages this year...
So I had to figure out something SIMPLE.

I am attempting sauerkraut.
We'll see how it turns out!

I finished the twins quilts
and I'm so happy with them.

They are different but the same.

The grand baby twins can NOW arrive anytime they like.

What are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Monday Making

Every quilter dreams of the day she'll get to 
pass on her LOVE of sewing to the next generation.

That dream came true for me this week.
My new little green machine sped along
as my granddaughter learned
all about the sewing machine!!!
Very fun!!!

Stuffed animals were TOP PRIORITY.

And we didn't want to STOP!!!

Whatever you can DREAM up...
YOU can MAKE!!!!
What are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Monday Making

This week I caught up on my 
"Hospital Sketches" quilt along.

I am enjoying this challenging (for me)
quilt along.
I began it on a WHIM and realized afterwards
That I did not have enough background fabric...
The cream squares will all be a bit different.

I am enjoying pulling the fabrics,
making design choices
sewing it all down.

It is amazing to see all the different quilts that are being 
made using this pattern.
SO fun!!!
 Thank you Barbara.

I also had the kids help me get our garden
This will help us all when trying to remember what was planted WHERE.

What are YOU  making this week??

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Monday Making

I am going to be a grandma again...
times THREE!!

One daughter is expecting twins..
and my other grown daughter is expecting a baby.

The due dates are
Within ONE DAY of each other.
CRAZY *** crazy *** Grandma feelings over here!

The quilt above is, of course,  helping me with all the  feelings.
Happy feelings and anxious feelings.
How in the world will I be able to BE THERE when
one girl is in Texas and one girl is an hour away?
One row of happy scraps at a time.
Sewing my feelings out!!! 
Isn't that what we quilters DO?

I began at the top of this quilt with stars..
Made some houses with kids and chickens inside.
You have to have a hen house...right?

Then some simple, trucks and rvs.

Boats and fish.
And don't forget the helicopter up top!!

The slow going part of this quilt are all those tiny squares!
They are 1 1/2" unfinished.

I"m going one row at a time without a firm PLAN...
So I'm finding the squares run out faster than I expect!
Ha ha ha.

Since this one is the for the twins...
I'll have get to make another.
My UN-firm plan is to make another similar, but not exactly the same.
After all...
I don't think I have all of the same SCRAPS!

I am really trying to USE WHAT I HAVE
and not go shopping.

We'll see how that goes.

What are YOU making this week??

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