
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Monday Making

I have been hand quilting NON-stop.
My "H" quilt has taken a back seat
while I work on this one.

I was camping with family over the holiday weekend.
This little quilt was the perfect SIZE to take along
and work on. 

I will continue this week because

What are YOU making this week??
I bet many of you are working on Christmas things.
Link up and share. 

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Monday Making

Remember my "H" quilt?

I've stalled a few times with this one
as decisions come up.

First there was the border to figure out. to quilt???

The borders are on.
Mustard cotton is from a table cloth
found at the thrift store!

The bigger appliqued circles
are vintage yo-yos given to me a long time ago!

I LOVE re-purposing and using 
someone else's leftovers.

ALL the H's are quilted!
I had a hard time deciding HOW to quilt them...
but once I got going it took less time then I anticipated.

Now I'm working on the border.
It will be QUITE a while before THAT part gets done.
I am mostly ECHO quilting the vine and circles.

What are YOU making this week??
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Friday, November 17, 2017

Little Finishes

This week I was able to finish a few small things.

Potholders for new members at my church
were first on the list.
Nothing fancy.
Just plain ol' scraps
and an old (clean) towel for batting.

I did add some fun flowers to the back!

I enjoy giving these little "somethings" away.
I add the church cookbook,
so I hope it feels like a welcome from EVERYONE!

I also finished a small vest I've been working on.
These little baby vests are SO addictive.

They're small, a portable project and CUTE!!
Pattern for this newborn vest is FREE here.
I am tempted to buy a pattern with the larger sizes!

I also made cookies.
I blame pinterest for these RICH cookies!

The picture GRABBED me and I couldn't rest until they were made.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Auction in progress

The nonprofit Quilt Alliance launched it's annual auction this week.
The theme is VOICES
and you can find my quilt,
as well as many others, HERE.

They were ALL on display at the 
a couple of weeks ago.
I would have loved to see the quilts in person!

Help support
Documenting, Preserving
and Sharing the history of QUILTS
and their makers!!!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Monday Making

Every year, about this time, I get to thinking about the graduation quilts
that I traditionally make for high school graduates at my church.

This is what THINKING looks like.  :)

The log cabin-esque blocks are very free form
and have not been trimmed yet.

Making this kind of quilt block is a natural for me.
It requires:
NO pre-planning.
NO special rulers.

Most of the strips were cut with scissors
as I sat at the sewing machine.

This is the "fabric" of choice piled on the floor
and on the table.

Lots of old shirts plus an assortment of scraps
and some striped yardage.

For some ODD reason
I'm saving the cuffs, collars and tags.

I DID make a tag quilt once and dream I might do it again!
But the cuffs and collars???
Ah well.
Maybe I'll be inspired someday.

This is last week's work.
I put ALL the little triangles together
and this is ALL I got.
It's too small at this point.....
 I will let it simmer in the "TO FINISH someday" pile for a while.

What are YOU making???
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Friday, November 10, 2017

Christmas Quilt

I had a STRONG feeling THIS pattern
would be PERFECT in Red and Green.

I was right.

What a FUN Christmas quilt!

Christmas is coming.

Maybe there's time to get it QUILTED!!???

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Monday Making

Hand me downs.
Little baggies of scraps.
Someone else's leftovers.

These are the kinds of things
I LOVE to inherit.
They catch my creative interest!

I don't know why they appeal to me MORE
 than a brand new BOLT of fabric.
Who knows.

These little half square triangles were leftovers
from someone's quilt project.
They are the BEGINNING of MY project!!

I wonder what they are leftover from...?
I will enjoy figuring out
WHERE we will GO together
on another QUILTING journey.

I also LOVE having little leftover balls of yarn handy.

That mellow yellow up on top of this little vest
sure came in HANDY when I ran out of the colorful yarn!

AND look!
It's the perfect match!

Whether it's leftover fabric
to BEGIN a project...
or leftover yarn
to END a project.

I am HAPPY to use them BOTH!
What are YOU making this week???

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Friday, November 3, 2017

One Patch Baby

Finishes are SO nice.

This quilt is made up of some HAPPY scraps.

ALL from the 2 1/2" square drawer!!

The little drawer is STUFFED full.

It's so fun to dig around in all that
SCRAPPY goodness when making a quilt!

The backing is from my stash as well.
I actually had a piece big enough!
Those big pieces are harder find around here.

Guess I'm succeeding at USING up
and NOT shopping!!!

I also added a scrappy binding!
Woo hoo!

I quilted simple lines diagonally through each white square.
Easy peasy.
My deadline was MET!

The baby shower can NOW happen.