
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

All Squared Up

Little tiny squares too precious to toss...
1 1/2" unfinished....
make lovely pincushions.

They also work for coasters.

2 1/2" squares that were GOING to be a simple table topper
are NOW in line to be a new seat cover in MY SEWING ROOM.

Can you see that little square RIGHT above my watermark???
An OLD, old piece that says I LOVE YOU!

Oooh! I love little scraps of fabric!

LOTS of little squares!!!
FOUR different sizes here wait to be chosen.

Berry basket was made using THIS method...
but a bigger size.

Don't be fooled.
I have little DRAWERS for every size.
This only represents the CURRENT bits and pieces I've cut
out of leftovers as I go along.

A simple table topper to add to my GROWING
stack of  auction items.
This one needs some hand quilting...
Don't you think???


  1. Your lil pin cushions are adorable ! I love the I love you scrap!

  2. Love, love them all! I, too, save as small as 1 1/2". Fabric is too expensive to waste!

  3. Cream and blue... classic. Love the little pincushions. You can get a lot out of 1 1/2" pieces.

  4. I too keep every little piece. It all adds up!

  5. I need to cut some of my scraps to use them like this!!! Thanks for inspiring me!! And yes, definitely needs hand quilted stitches!!

  6. Thanks for your instruction, just the inspiration
    I need to get some squares sewn.

  7. You always do such a good job with the smallest of scraps.

  8. I do love to see those weeny pieces of fabric used and here, so beautifully!

  9. gig marketplace is becoming even more sneaky with the risk of meeting tomorrow with a society divided into two parts.


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