
Friday, August 3, 2018

Monday Making - early

The Monday Making linky party I host is a bit early!

I will be away and rather than skip it...
or try to manage technology while I'm away...
I thought...
"Why not get the party going????"

It'll just be a LONGER party.
Linky will close next Wednesday.


I spied the quilt above this week while visiting an elderly friend.
It was UNDER another chair covering adding padding to the chair.

I could just barely see it peeking out and knew I wanted to see MORE!
This is all I could manage.
The way it was all tucked in "just right" made it
impossibly INPOLITE to get a better LOOK!

She told me it was made by an aunt
and it is hand quilted.

I'll be away for a few days
so I am packing up some supplies.

The most IMPORTANT thing to pack.


I couldn't resist purchasing this yarn today for .99 cents.
It is marked $25.00

I try VERY hard not to buy yarn...
when I see THAT...
I buy.
I did some  harvesting this week.
The butternut squash seems to LIKE my husband's garden.
I don't mind THAT at all.

Link up and share about 
what YOU are making this week.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. I understand your feelings about taking projects on vacation. Several years ago we went on one and when we got the car parked at the airport I discovered that HE left my project (hand work/books) standing in the front hall. I stood in the parking lot and cried. Have a great trip.

  2. I would cry too .....then I would find out where the nearest craft store was!!

  3. I always bring one or two or even three projects with me when we travel - there is always time for some hand work - I agree with your comment above - if I have forgotten my bag or don't have enough I head to a craft store/quilting

  4. That quilt looks like it was made with leftover fabric or cut up clothes. I wonder how old it is and if it is all hand pieced too? Enjoy your travels.

  5. That is a very pretty quilt you spied. I wonder if it is hand-pieced too. I like the colour and the pattern you are using for your knitting. At that price, you made out like a bandit. Your husband still has butternut squash growing in the garden?! I am so jealous :) Have a great time!


  6. Love that scrappy quilt at the top. Hope you enjoy your days away from home.

  7. The quilt you discovered is so typical of the quilts my grandma used to make. It had scraps and a solid and was hand quilted. It reminded me of Grandma.

  8. What a gorgeous scrap quilt!

  9. That vintage quilt is fabulous! I love seeing an original quilt block like that, complete with set-in seams whereas today that block would probably be simplified with additional seams. Thanks for sharing it with us and have a wonderful vacation!


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