
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Monday Making

It's been a FULL week.
I was able to finish a wedding quilt top for son and soon to be daughter-in-law.
Staying at home seems to be energizing me to do more. you recognize the corner stars??
It was SO FUN to use my blogland friend's orphan blocks!

There was quite a bit going on in my husband's garden.

We really enjoyed the strawberry harvest.
Small but mighty.

I was able to PERK up the cloth napkins with Scrappy RINGS.

We had a visitor.

I did a little SITTING

What are YOU making?
I hope you are all staying safe during this time of quarantine.

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Monday Making

Three quilts.

For three high school graduates.

The same...yet different.

I think these scrappy quilts...
using WHAT I have...
Turned out so pretty!

The HOW TO video for this 16 patch block is HERE

I was scrounging around for border fabric to make them a bit bigger
and when I got to the last one...
I ended up piecing the leftovers into a piano key type border.

I am very pleased with these quilts!
I need to make some sandwiches and QUILT!

What are YOU making?

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Monday Making

I am still working steadily on my
Quarantine Quilt.

Little by little I have been making decisions about 
how to arrange all of the blocks.
At first I thought they'd all be ONE big happy Group...

I've decided to BREAK them up a bit.

I have been using scissors to cut the pieces
and so there's a FREE feeling to all those hourglass blocks.
I should add that the quilter's 1/4 seam also flew out the window on this one!!

I will be trimming these big chunks soon
and adding sashing.

I can't WAIT!!!
Quilting is such a LOVELY ADVENTURE.
The perfect kind of adventure during these days at home.

I also DUG deep this week for elastic as I made masks.

Can you believe I had this?
15 cents. for 3 yards.

Any guesses how long ago that was?
I'd love to hear what you think.
I have no idea.
I'm almost out of elastic!

I've also been playing with sourdough.

We are not going to go hungry here.
Easter was a different kind of day this year.
Thankful for church services online
and Zoom connections with those I love.
He is Risen.
He is Risen indeed.

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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Monday Making

Even though I'm staying at home...
All. The. Time.
There has been a lot of activity.
There is STILL a lot of making going on!

The garden gives me things to harvest
and COOK!

Thankfully I received a sourdough starter RIGHT before the

I've enjoyed learning about something new.
I made sourdough english muffins this week.
(also, crepes, biscuits, pancakes, ......)

Here's the recipe for the english muffins.
I have also been homeschooling.
Who knew I'd be doing THAT again???
My oldest is 34 and I home schooled him along with 
the four other BIG kids.

My youngest is in special ed and I never thought we'd be
working at home together.

I'm thankful for the teachers who have been so supportive.
They are providing the lesson plans and lots of encouragement.
Thank goodness for zoom, Facetime and the internet!

I've also been making some masks.

How about you?

What have you been making?

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