
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Monday Making

This is an OLD quilt.
It was given to me in 1979.
The ladies at church made them for graduating seniors
and missionaries.

This quilt has been truly loved to death.
I'd like to keep using it!!
But some of the fabric is almost NOT THERE anymore.
I think I will patch it up this week.

I've assembled some 4 patches....
pressed the edges in....
and now I will sew them down over the worn 4 patches.

Hand stitched or machine stitched???
I'm not sure yet.

It's a sentimental quilt, not a work of art.....
so I'm thinking the machine will do just fine!

I'm also getting close to a finish on a little beanie.
I'm using some leftover yarn.
That cream colored yarn is now ALL gone.
the hat will finish up with that pretty aqua color.
Let's HOPE I have enough!!!

the tip top will be something different altogether
and wouldn't that be FUN????

The pattern is called "bulky waffle hat"
and the free pattern is HERE.

What are YOU making?

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Monday Making

Merry Christmas Friends!

This little Nativity sits on my dining room table this year.
The nativities move around each year
and I thought the gold star ornaments looked so pretty with the set.

I found the gold trees.
I said I wouldn't be buying ANY MORE decorations.
Then I saw the trees.


I don't think I have time to MAKE anything except FOOD this week.
(we have lots of family visiting....YEAH!)
So I'll share a practical PRETTY MAKE by my 12 year old friend.

These bibs are for my twin grandsons.
Aren't they sweet??

what are YOU making this week??

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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Monday Making

I am pulling out some favorite seasonal quilts....

Giving an older sweater a NEW LOOK for my daughter
with some vintage buttons.....

and making some practical gifts.

What are YOU making this week?

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Holiday Favorites Blog Hop 2019

Welcome to my corner of blogland during this

Thank you for stopping by.

For quilters, the Christmas season
gives us an opportunity to CREATE!

We make things for OUR homes
and then make things for others!
We are MAKERS after all.

Making is my favorite thing about the holidays.

I love getting this quilt out and hanging it every year
in the family room.
I designed it a few years ago using
a crate and barrel gift box for inspiration.

Yes....I have a quilt on the sofa.
I bet you do TOO!

These little scrappy trees are teeny tiny.
No scrap is TOO SMALL for me!
These are the kinds of things
I like to make and give away.

This one's a bit bigger.

There's a little HOW TO video here
on how I made this one.

These little snowmen
were made by the kids a long time ago.
I love pulling them out and remembering 
my BIG kids were once LITTLE.  

I sewed the snowmen leaving an opening for stuffing.
The kids stuffed, drew on the faces
and made little scarves from scraps.

The black hats are SOCK scraps
that we sewed together.
SUPER simple!
Yes...You're going to find fabric EVERYWHERE here.
Even above this ceramic nativity.

I gave this Christmas quilt away last year
after making it using orphan blocks.

Christmas is for MAKING.
Christmas is for GIVING.

The two go HAND in HAND.

Here's a list of the blogs participating
in the HOLIDAY FAVORITES blog Hop 2019

Dec 9- Humble Quilts, Lori,
Dec 10 KatyQuilts ,
Dec 13 -Timeless Reflections. Kyle.
Dec 16   Knitty Quilter -

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Monday Making

There is a FUN blog hop beginning tomorrow!
I hope you will join in the fun.

Lori, over at Humble Quilts, will begin tomorrow morning.
December 9.

It's a 12 day  ---12 blog---- HOLIDAY favorites tour.

This is what I hope to MAKE this week.
I saw these cute little nativity puppets at a friends house today.
She made them many years ago
and I LOVE this idea.

If I have the time....I will be attempting something similar.

I'm also making towels...
Actually adding some pretty TOUCHES to ready made towels.'s a secret!

There's a little video HERE on how I did it.
I am NOT  a master at Youtube....
but it's always fun to share about what I'm making
and HOW I did it.

What are YOU making this week??

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Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday Making

The nine patches are all ready to go on the newest
table mat!

Little tiny pieces of fabric
are so nice to play with!

My little squares are 2".
I just need to add some sashing
(what color?)
and then maybe ONE more border until it's 
JUST the right size!

What IS just the right size??
There is no magic number.
I let the little quilts tell me as we go.

What are YOU making this week??

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