
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Monday Making

Did you hear CHEERING from my house this week??
It's because the applique is ALL DONE.
The background reds are being added...
and the END IS IN SIGHT!

There will be 36 blocks in this quilt.
I can't wait until it's ALL TOGETHER!

Pattern is HERE at Sentimental Stitches.

What are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Monday Making

My courthouse steps quilt is slowly growing!

One little scrap at a time.

I work a little bit on it most evenings
after the cooking and cleaning, etc. has ended for the day.

I had a mess of plums I needed to "deal with"
so a friend recommended this recipe.

That's ALL IT TOOK for me to learn about ICE CREAM  making.

I have NEVER made ice cream.
I've obviously been missing out!

I found an ice cream maker at the thrift store...
my GO TO shopping destination...
and it was so easy after that.


What are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Monday Making

This little bassinet basket just needs a little dolly to be tucked inside.

This Grandma had fun sewing some leftover flannel together and
making it snug and comfy for my granddaughter's little charge.

She loves tucking in ALL her dollies.


What are YOU  making this week??

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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Monday Making

I loved this quilt when I saw it 4 years ago at a yard sale
and I brought it home.


I loved the color.
I loved the piecing.
It was JUST right.

I hosed it off and thought about keeping it.
But....I didn't.

I knew I wouldn't use it.
I knew it would just take up space here
and what I REALLY wanted to do was just LOOK AT IT!
Now I have a picture.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

What are your thoughts/??

What are You making this week??

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