
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Monday Making

It is SO, SO nice to see the quilts I've given being used.
Ooooh! So nice.
Nothing, I think, makes a quilter happier
than when she knows her quilts are USED and loved.

The first was a wedding quilt for my older girl.
It's a Jacob's coat pattern that is ALL hand appliqued.
yes. It took me a long time to make it queen siZed!

The second is a wedding quilt for my second girl.
I pieced hexagons and then appliqued the edges onto a white border.
I really like the look of it on their bed and am happy BOTH quilts
are being used.

I just finished this sweet little vest.
I loved adding the extra color to finish it UP
The ball of variegated yarn I had wasn't quite enough.
I think I'd like to begin another this week
JUST using my yarn stash and creating
a lot of stripes of color!!!

I think quilters knit like quilters.
what are YOU making this week???

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Monday Making

I am working away on my amish snowball quilt.
One little 3 1/2" square at a time.
Each square has four little tiny triangles in the corner.

After sewing on the little triangles...
there is trimming to do.

There are NINE snowballs in each block.

My goal is to make 48 nine patches
There should be 432 snowballs in the quilt when I'm done.

I'm not even 1/2 way there!!!

Quilting takes a BIT of patience.
Just. a. BIT.

What a re YOU making this week??

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Friday, August 17, 2018


This week I made a couple of lap quilts.

Happy color quilts!

I used the stash and the extra scraps.

I added some polka dots.

I dug around the scrap bin.

I did a LITTLE bit of measuring....
Not much.

I admired all that pretty color!!

The first quilt features a fabric line from Anthology fabrics.
It measures 50" x 62".

The second quilt features fabric gleaned from my scrap basket
which includes leftovers from various projects
and pieces from some discarded shirts.
It measures 46" x 49"

Both quilts were quilted with a diagonal cross-hatch pattern.
I used the blocks in the first as my GUIDE
and some painters tape as my GUIDE in the second.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Monday Making

Alycia, over at Quilty Girl, has a little flag quilt making party going on!
The quilts are being made in Honor of Sue.

If you'd like to join in....
the information is HERE.

The deadline is coming up!
Sept 1.
So I'd better get mine in the MAIL!!!!

I've enjoyed seeing all the quilts being made with this block!

Link up and share about what YOU're making this week!

Summer is over at my house.
School began Wednesday already!!!!

I'm not complaining.

My list is LONG with sewing projects that have been
on my MIND!!

I love Summer.
I also love the routine of School days!

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Friday, August 10, 2018


Some circles for mugs.

These are made from orphan blocks I cut into circles.

Circles are not that easy!
I used a bowl to trace the lines...but some of them are still a bit wonky.
I added seam binding to the back and rolled it over
to top stitch on the front.

Next time I will sew the seam binding to the front and 
HAND STITCH it to the back.

I think they would turn out much neater and tidier that way.

In order to LEARN
You have to MAKE!

The garden still gives me more than I need.....

and the Grandbabies keep me hopping.

Life is GOOD.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Monday Making - early

The Monday Making linky party I host is a bit early!

I will be away and rather than skip it...
or try to manage technology while I'm away...
I thought...
"Why not get the party going????"

It'll just be a LONGER party.
Linky will close next Wednesday.


I spied the quilt above this week while visiting an elderly friend.
It was UNDER another chair covering adding padding to the chair.

I could just barely see it peeking out and knew I wanted to see MORE!
This is all I could manage.
The way it was all tucked in "just right" made it
impossibly INPOLITE to get a better LOOK!

She told me it was made by an aunt
and it is hand quilted.

I'll be away for a few days
so I am packing up some supplies.

The most IMPORTANT thing to pack.


I couldn't resist purchasing this yarn today for .99 cents.
It is marked $25.00

I try VERY hard not to buy yarn...
when I see THAT...
I buy.
I did some  harvesting this week.
The butternut squash seems to LIKE my husband's garden.
I don't mind THAT at all.

Link up and share about 
what YOU are making this week.

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