
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Monday Making

It's Sunday Night
and I am trying to make my weekly to do list.
I like setting goals for the week.
Sometimes they are LOFTY, time consuming goals.
And.... sometimes the goal is simple.....
Like: GET UP every morning.

This week I NEED to finish this baby quilt.

Since I'm almost out of time
I will be adding white borders instead of more blocks.
Adding borders is a VERY simple way to
GROW a quilt to the right size.

IS THERE A RIGHT SIZE when it comes to baby quilts????

Inquiring minds want to know.

Link up and share what YOU HOPE to get done this week!

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Monday Making

It's time for a Monday Making party!

I have been busy knitting little baby things
like this precious little beanie.

When I'm not knitting,
I'm holding a precious bundle.
Let me introduce my newest granddaughter.

 I may even get a few minutes to hand quilt my "H" quilt!

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Monday Making

I FINALLY started HAND quilting my "H" quilt!

It was at first difficult to decide HOW to quilt it.
Then it was hard to imagine HAND quilting the entire thing!
Just thinking about it slowed me down!

After getting a few H's done...
I'm not as hesitant to work on it!!
Amazing how just a few stitches can get the
ol' quilting juices going!

I'm also working on a simple baby quilt.

Gotta love those simple scrappy quilts!!!

What are YOU making this week??

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monday Making

It's time for a MONDAY MAKING party again!

The weeks FLY by...
Don't they??

I'm always happy to have time at home to sew
and FINISH a quilt like in the last post.

MUCH of time though...
I'm on the GO and need a project that's portable.

KNITTING to the rescue!

I'm working on a shawl these days.

that I found on ravelry.
What a GREAT source of inspiration!!

What are YOU making this week???

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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday Scraps

It is SO so nice to get a quilt finished!!

I love all the warm scraps in this one.

I found the perfect green to bind it....

And the PERFECT backing fabric!!
In my STASH!!

Isn't that a pretty fabric on the back???

A simple wavy diagonal line
is now one of my favorite quilt motifs.

Instead of using my walking foot
I put the feed dogs down...
use my quilting foot.
I loosely follow the diagonal without STRESSING 
about it being exactly straight!

I used a half log cabin block to make this quilt.
2 1/2" strips.
Super simple.
The perfect kind of SCRAP QUILT.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Monday Making

This week I hope to make more Christmas blocks
using THIS pattern.

I doubt if this Christmas quilt will be done in time!
I will see how far I get!!

I am still trying to use ONLY my stash.
Do you know how hard that is??
Sometimes the color options are THIN!
Believe it or NOT!

What are YOU making this week??

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