
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Monday Making

My Monday Making post is a bit early this week.
I have the time...
so I thought I'd post now, rather than later!
The linky will be open until Wednesday,
if you want to link up and share what YOU've been making.

This eyeglass case was an easy little project.

A friend requested one when she saw mine
and believe it or NOT...I had the same scraps in my bin!

TWO years LATER!!  LOL!

I didn't have to wonder which colors to use, since I knew
she'd seen mine and it appealed to her.

I gave it to her on Thursday not knowing that
she'd had a really hard morning that day.

Isn't it GREAT to give a little quilt LOVE
and find it's the perfect timing too???

I also made a set of little place mats for ME this week.

They're actually going to be used by the kids.
Even cold cereal gets to look pretty!!

Here's another peek into my week.
Yes...It was a busy one.

I thought I'd be sewing these together...
but after making a lot of blocks, I really didn't want to make any more.
(lazy? kind of)
I also knew that there are a LOT of seams to match up!
What if????
I add sashing.
Scrappy sashing??

I'll let it percolate a bit.....
Gives me something happy to THINK about.

One great thing about quilting is the 
happy things we can ponder.

Today we're harvesting.
I'll need to make some deliveries since we can't eat it all.

Not sure what the week ahead holds.
But I DO know....
I'll be stitching!

And cooking something GREEN.

What are YOU making this week??

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. farmer's markets are open here in MD and i'll be cooking something green as your blocks...

  2. I like the scrappy sashing. Hope you get your harvesting all done in enough time to play in the sewing room a bit.

  3. What a great and timely gift for a friend. Sashings are great I think esp. if they take away some of that very precise meeting up business. Green is good for you so happy cooking.

  4. Lots of quilty goodness being worked on! Um, can you deliver to Virginia? I'd love some of those artichokes. They would taste great cold or hot! Yum. You've got quite a bounty of food.

  5. Beth, I love the glasses case! I've been wanting to make something like that for myself now that I've reached the age where my reading glasses should really be in my PURSE and not at home on my nightstand... And I am right there with you in the decision that enough blocks have been made and the quilt needs to grow some other way. Your little blocks look even better with the sashing than they would have looked with all their seams matched up. Sometimes we think the "right" way to do something has to be the most complicated way possible -- when a simpler way actually yields a superior design.

  6. So manye beautiful projects! I love you eyeglass case. Great timing for the gift to your friend. Sometimes it is so. Wonderful scraps quilt, and the placemats is great.
    Delicious greens! Happy cooking! :-)

  7. Yummy looking harvest. I like you eyeglass case.

  8. I love your glasses case. It reminded me that I need to make a mug case for hubby. The sashing is a great idea for your blocks. I really like it scrappy too.

  9. What great projects, and a wonderful harvest. Your blocks look wonderful. I vote yes to sashing.

  10. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.



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